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Genus: Renanthera:
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Renanthera Paloma Picasso (Ren. Akihito x Ren. storiei) (S.Y. Alsagoff, 2010) is a robust vandaceous hybrid of Singaporean origin that produces fan-like sprays of deep red velvety blooms.

Etymology It is a celebrity orchid named for the Tiffany & Co. designer who is daughter of the Spanish artistic legend Pablo Picasso. Unsurprisingly, her favourite colour is red. (Emrys Chew Ph. D.)
Emrys Chew
Ren. Paloma Picasso
Christopher Teo
Ren. Paloma Picasso
Emrys Chew
Ren. Paloma Picasso
Emrys Chew
Ren. Paloma Picasso
more ...

Species Ancestors (3)