List of selected families

Animalia Families

Animalia Families
Family Common name
Acrididae MacLeay short-horned grasshoppers
Agamidae Agamid Lizard, dragon, dragon lizard
Alestidae Cockerell African tetra
Amphitretidae Hoyle octopus
Ampullariidae J. E. Gray apple snail
Anguidae Alligator Lizards, Anguid Lizards, Anguids, Galliwasps, Glass Lizards
Anoplogastridae T. N. Gill Fangtooth
Apidae Latreille bees
Araneidae Clerck Orb-weaver spiders
Arkyidae L. Koch
Boidae Gray boa, boid
Bombyliidae Latreille bee fly
Brachionichthyidae T. N. Gill Handfish
Brahmaeidae Swinhoe Brahmin moths
Brevicipitidae Bonaparte rain frog
Bufonidae Gray true toad
Calopterygidae Sélys broad-winged damselflies, demoiselles, jewelwings
Canidae Fischer de Waldheim dogs
Carabidae Latreille ground beetles, carabids
Cerambycidae Latreille longhorn beetles
Cercopithecidae Gray Old World monkey
Chamaeleonidae Chameleons
Chelidae Gray Austro-South American side-neck turtles
Chlamydoselachidae Garman
Chrysomelidae Latreille leaf beetles
Cicadellidae Latreille Leafhopper
Cicadidae Latreille 1802
Cicindelidae Latreille Tiger beetles
Clavelinidae Forbes & Hanley
Clionidae Gray sea angels
Coenagrionidae Kirby damselfly, pond damselfly
Colubridae Oppel colubrids
Costasiellidae K. B. Clark sacoglossan sea slugs
Cryptobranchidae Fitzinger Giant Salamanders, Hellbenders
Cyaneidae L. Agassiz jellyfish
Cymbuliidae Gray sea snail, sea butterfly
Dactyloidae Fitzinger anole
Dalceridae Dyar dalcerid moths
Delphinidae Gray dolphins, killer whales, pilot whales, marine dolphins
Diadematidae Gray sea urchin
Didemnidae Giard colonial tunicate
Drepanidae Meyrick hook-tip
Elapidae F. Boie elapid
Empusidae Burmeister plant-mimicking mantises
Erebidae Leach moth
Etmopteridae Fowler lantern shark
Felidae Fischer von Waldheim cat
Fulgoridae fulgorid planthoppers
Gekkonidae Gray common geckos
Geometridae Leach cankerworms, geometers, measuringworms
Gyrinocheilidae T. N. Gill sucker
Halicreatidae Fewkes
Hemiphractidae Peters frogs
Hesperiidae Latreille Skippers
Hexabranchidae Bergh sea slug
Homalopsidae Bonaparte Indo-Australian water snakes, mudsnakes, bockadams
Hymenopodidae Giglio-Tos
Ichneumonidae Latreille ichneumon wasp, ichneumonid wasp, ichneumonid, Darwin wasp
Issidae Spinola planthoppers
Lauxaniidae beach flies, lauxaniid flies
Limacinidae Gray sea snails
Limacodidae moths
Lycaenidae Leach blues, coppers, gossamer-winged butterflies, hairstreaks, harvesters, Gossamer-wing Butterflies
Mantidae Burmeister
Meloidae Gyllenhaal blister beetles
Membracidae treehoppers
Noctuidae Latreille cutworms, dagger moths, noctuid moths, owlet moths, underwings
Notodontidae Stephens moth
Nymphalidae Rafinesque brush-footed butterflies, four-footed butterflies
Octopodidae Orbigny octopus
Papilionidae Latreille Swallowtail butterflies
Pentatomidae Leach shield bugs, stink bugs
Phasmatidae walking sticks
Phrynosomatidae North American Spiny Lizards
Physaraceae Chevall.
Pieridae Swainson orange-tips, Whites, Sulphurs
Platysternidae Gray big-headed turtle
Psammophiidae Bourgeois elapoid snakes
Pteropodidae Gray Megabat
Pyrgomorphidae Brunner von Wattenwyl grasshoppers, stinking grasshoppers
Pythonidae Fitzinger python
Regalecidae Oarfish
Rhopalonematidae Russell hydrozoan
Riodinidae Grote Metalmarks
Salpidae Lahille salp
Salticidae Blackwall Jumping spiders
Saturniidae Giant Silkworm Moths, saturniids
Scarabaeidae Latreille scarab beetle
Sciuridae Fischer de Waldheim Squirrels
Sepiolidae Leach bobtail squid
Serpulidae Rafinesque
Sphaerodactylidae Underwood gecko
Sphingidae Latreille sphinx moths, hawk moths, hornworms
Stemonitidaceae Fr. slime mold
Styelidae Herdman
Syngnathidae Rafinesque seahorses, pipefishes, and seadragons
Tessaratomidae Stål tessaratomids
Tethydidae Rafinesque
Tetraodontidae Bonaparte ufferfish, puffers, balloonfish, blowfish, blowers, blowies, bubblefish, globefish, swellfish, toadfish, toadies, toadle, honey toads, sugar toads, and sea squab
Tettigoniidae Krauss katydids, long-horned grasshoppers
Theraphosidae Thorell tarantulas
Theridiidae Sundevall tangle-web spiders, cobweb spiders, comb-footed spiders
Thyrididae Herrich-Schäffer window-winged moths
Tortricidae Latreille tortrix moths, leaf rollers, leaf tyers
Uloboridae Thorell cribellate orb weavers, hackled orb weavers
Vampyroteuthidae Thiele in Chun vampire squid
Vespertilionidae Gray microbat
Viperidae Oppel viper
Zygaenidae burnet and forester moths