List of selected families

Aves Families

Aves Families
Family Common name
Acanthizidae Bonaparte Australian warblers
Accipitridae Vieillot Eagle, Hawk, Kite
Acrocephalidae Salvin reed warbler, marsh-warbler, acrocephalid warbler, tree-warbler
Aegithalidae Reichenbach bushtit, long-tailed tit
Aegithinidae G. R. Gray iora
Alaudidae Vigors Lark
Alcedinidae Rafinesque Kingfisher
Alcidae Leach auk, alcid
Alcippeidae Blyth Alcippe fulvetta
Anatidae Leach duck, goose, swan
Anhimidae Stejneger screamer
Anhingidae Reichenbach darter, anhinga, snakebird
Apodidae Swift
Aramidae Bonaparte limpkin
Ardeidae Leach Bittern, Egret, Heron
Artamidae Vigors peltops, butcherbird, magpie, currawong, woodswallow
Balaenicipitidae Bonaparte shoebill
Bombycillidae Swainson Waxwing
Brachypteraciidae Bonaparte ground roller
Bucerotidae Rafinesque Hornbill
Bucorvidae Bonaparte ground hornbill
Buphagidae Lesson oxpecker
Burhinidae Mathews Thick-knee, Stone-curlew
Cacatuidae G. R. Gray cockatoo
Calcariidae Ridgway bunting, longspur
Calyptomenidae Bonaparte broadbill
Campephagidae Vigors cuckooshrike, allie
Capitonidae Bonaparte New World barbet
Caprimulgidae Vigors Nightjar
Cardinalidae Ridgway cardinal-grosbeak, cardinal
Casuariidae Kaup cassowary, emu
Cathartidae Lafresnaye New World vulture, condor
Certhiidae Leach treecreeper
Cettiidae Alström, Ericson, Olsson, & Sundberg cettiid warbler
Charadriidae Leach plover, dotterel, lapwing
Chloropseidae Wetmore leafbird
Ciconiidae J. E. Gray Stork
Cinclidae Sundevall Dipper
Cisticolidae Sundevall
Coliidae Murie mousebird
Columbidae Leach dove, pigeon
Coraciidae Rafinesque roller
Corvidae Leach crow, corvid
Cotingidae Bonaparte cotinga
Cracidae Rafinesque chachalaca, guan, curassow
Cuculidae Leach Cuckoo
Dicaeidae Bonaparte flowerpecker
Dicruridae Vigors drongo
Diomedeidae G. R. Gray Albatrosse
Dromadidae GR Gray crab-plover
Emberizidae Vigors bunting
Estrildidae Bonaparte
Eupetidae Bonaparte rail-babbler, Malaysian rail-babbler
Eurylaimidae Lesson broadbill
Falconidae Leach falcon, caracara
Formicariidae Gray
Fregatidae Degland & Gerbe Frigatebird
Fringillidae Leach true finche
Furnariidae Gray Ovenbird, furnariid
Gaviidae Coues Loon, diver
Glareolidae Brehm Pratincole
Grallariidae P.L. Sclater and Salvin antpitta
Gruidae Vigors Crane
Haematopodidae Bonaparte oystercatcher
Hemiprocnidae Oberholser Treeswift, crested swift
Hirundinidae Rafinesque swallow, martin, saw-wing
Hydrobatidae Mathews Northern storm petrel
Ibidorhynchidae Bonaparte ibisbill
Icteridae Vigors New World blackbird
Icteriidae Baird yellow-breasted chat
Indicatoridae Swainson Honeyguide
Irenidae Jerdon fairy-bluebird
Jacanidae Chenu & Des Murs Jacana, Jesus bird, lily trotter
Laniidae Rafinesque Shrike
Laridae Rafinesque Gulls, Terns, Skimmer
Leiothrichidae Swainson laughingthrushes
Locustellidae Bonaparte
Lybiidae Sibley & Ahlquist African barbet
Malaconotidae Swainson bushshrike
Maluridae Swainson Australasian wren
Megalaimidae Blyth Asian barbet
Megapodiidae Lesson incubator bird, mound-builder
Meliphagidae Vigors honeyeater
Menuridae Lesson lyrebird
Meropidae Rafinesque bee-eater
Mimidae Bonaparte mimid
Momotidae GR Gray motmot
Monarchidae Bonaparte monarch
Motacillidae Horsfield wagtail, longclaw, pipit
Muscicapidae Fleming J. Chat, Old World flycatcher
Musophagidae Lesso turaco
Nectariniidae Vigors Sunbird, spiderhunter
Numididae Longchamps Guineafowl
Nyctibiidae Chenu & des Murs Potoo
Oceanitidae Forbes Austral storm petrel, southern storm petrel
Odontophoridae Gould New World quail
Opisthocomidae Swainson
Oreoicidae Schodde & Christidis bellbird, whistler
Oriolidae Vigors piopio, figbird, pitohui, Old World oriole
Otididae Rafinesque Bustard, florican, korhaan
Pandionidae Sclater & Salvin osprey
Panuridae Des Murs bearded reedling, bearded tit, bearded parrotbill
Paradisaeidae Swainson birds-of-paradise
Paradoxornithidae Horsfield & Moore parrotbill, myzorni
Pardalotidae Strickland Pardalote, peep-wren
Paridae Vigors tits, Chickadee, Titmice
Parulidae Wetmore et al. New World Warbler, Wood-Warbler
Passerellidae Cabanis New World sparrow, American sparrow
Passeridae Rafinesque Old World sparrow, true sparrow
Pelecanidae Rafinesque
Pellorneidae Delacour jungle babbler
Petroicidae Mathews Australasian robin
Phaethontidae Brandt Tropicbird
Phalacrocoracidae Reichenbach Cormorant, Shag
Phasianidae Horsfield Partridge, Turkey, Grouse, Pheasant, Quail, caille, faisan
Phoenicopteridae Bonaparte Flamingo
Phoeniculidae Bonaparte wood hoopoe, scimitarbill
Phylloscopidae Alström, Ericson, Olsson, & Sundberg Leaf warbler
Picidae Leach Woodpecker, Wryneck
Pipridae Rafinesque manakin
Pittidae Pitta
Platylophidae Gaudin et al. crested jayshrike, crested shrikejay
Platysteiridae Mathews
Ploceidae Sundevall weaver, weaverbird, weaver finch, bishop
Pnoepygidae Gelang et al. cupwing, wren-babbler
Podargidae Gray Frogmouth
Podicipedidae Bonaparte Grebe
Polioptilidae Baird gnatcatcher
Procellariidae Leach tubenose, albatross, storm petrel, fulmar
Prunellidae Richmond Accentor
Psittacidae Rafinesque holotropical parrot
Psittaculidae Vigors Old World parrot
Pteroclidae Bonaparte Sandgrouse
Ptiliogonatidae Baird silky-flycatcher
Ptilonorhynchidae G. R. Gray Bowerbird
Pycnonotidae G. R. Gray Bulbul
Rallidae Rafinesque Coot, Rail, foulque, gallinule, Waterhen
Ramphastidae Vigors Toucan
Recurvirostridae Bonaparte
Regulidae Vigors kinglet
Remizidae Olphe-Galliard penduline tit
Rhinocryptidae Wetmore tapaculos
Rhipiduridae Sundevall fantail, flycatcher, silktails
Rhynochetidae Verreaux & Des Murs
Rostratulidae Coues painted-snipe
Sagittariidae Finsch & Hartlaub secretarybird
Sarothruridae Verheyen flufftail, forest rail
Scolopacidae Rafinesque Sandpiper
Scopidae Bonaparte
Scotocercidae Fregin, Haase, Olsson, & Alström streaked scrub warbler
Semnornithidae Toucan Barbet
Sittidae Lesson Nuthatche
Spheniscidae Bonaparte Penguin
Spindalidae Barker, Burns, Klicka, Lanyon, & Lovette spindalis
Stenostiridae Beresford, F.K. Barker, Ryan & Crowe fairy flycatcher
Stercorariidae Gray skuas
Strigidae Leach true owl, typical owl
Strigopidae Bonaparte New Zealand parrot
Struthionidae Vigors ostrich
Sturnidae Rafinesque Starling
Sulidae Reichenbach gannet, booby
Sylviidae Leach Sylviid Babbler
Thamnophilidae Swainson antbird, antshrike
Thinocoridae Gray seedsnipe
Thraupidae Cabanis Tanager
Threskiornithidae Poche Ibis, Spoonbill
Tichodromidae Swainson
Timaliidae Vigors & Horsfield Old World babbler, tree babbler
Tityridae Gray, GR tityras, mourner
Todidae Vigors tody
Trochilidae Vigors Hummingbird
Troglodytidae Swainson Wren
Trogonidae Lesson trogon, quetzal
Turdidae Rafinesque thrush
Turnicidae GR Gray Buttonquail, hemipode
Tyrannidae Gray, GR Tyrant Flycatcher, tyran, gobe-mouche
Tytonidae Ridgway Barn-owl
Upupidae Leach Hoopoe
Vangidae Swainson Vanga
Viduidae indigobird, whydah, cuckoo-finch
Vireonidae Swainson vireo
Zosteropidae Bonaparte white-eye