List of selected families

Other Families

Plantae Families (except Orchidaceae)
Family Common name
Cabombaceae Rich. ex A.Rich. water shield
Cactaceae Juss.
Calceolariaceae Olmstead
Calophyllaceae J.Agardh
Calycanthaceae Lindl. sweetshrubs, spicebushes
Calyceraceae R.Br. ex Rich.
Campanulaceae Juss. bellflower
Cannabaceae Martinov
Cannaceae Juss. canna lily
Capparaceae Juss caper
Caprifoliaceae Juss. honeysuckle
Caryophyllaceae Juss. pink family, carnation
Celastraceae R.Br.
Cephalotaceae Dumort.
Cistaceae Juss. rock-rose
Cleomaceae Airy Shaw
Clethraceae Klotzsch
Clusiaceae Lindl.
Colchicaceae DC.
Collemataceae Zenker lichen
Columelliaceae D.Don
Commelinaceae Mirb. dayflower, spiderwort
Connaraceae R.Br.
Convolvulaceae Juss. morning-glory, bindweed
Cornaceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Cossidae Leach cossid millers or carpenter millers
Costaceae Nakai
Crassulaceae J.St.-Hil.
Cucurbitaceae Juss. cucumber, cucurbits, the gourd
Cunoniaceae R.Br.
Cupressaceae Bartlett
Cyatheaceae Kaulf.
Cycadaceae Pers.
Cyclanthaceae Poit. ex A.Rich.
Cynomoriaceae Endl. ex Lindl.
Cyperaceae Juss. sedges
Cyrillaceae Lindl.
Cystopteridaceae (Payer) Schmakov
Cytinaceae A.Rich.