List of genera .

Animalia genera

Genera of the Animalia

Genus #images
Paches Godman & Salvin 2
Pachliopta Reakirt 20
Palearctia Ferguson 56
Palla Hübner 2
Panacea Godman & Salvin 5
Panara Doubleday 1
Pantherophis Fitzinger 20
Panthiades Hübner 32
Papilio Linnaeus 184
Paradirphia Michener 4
Paraetmopterus Adnet
Paralaudakia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme 6
Paraplectana Brito Capello 3
Pararge Hübner 11
Parawixia F. O. Pickard-Cambridge 2
Parnassius 10
Parthenos Hübner 6
Pasilobus Simon 1
Perisama Doubleday 15
Petasida A. White 8
Phalera Hübner 46
Phelsuma Gray 12
Philaethria Billberg 4
Phoenicurusia Verity 36
Phonognatha Simon 2
Phrictus 6
Phrygionis Hübner 3
Phrynocephalus Kaup 14
Phrynosoma Wiegmann 38
Phyllodes Boisduval 5
Phyllopteryx Swainson 4
Physarum Pers. 6
Pierella Westwood 21
Plagiometriona Spaeth 2
Platycotis Stål 1
Platysternon Gray 2
Plebs Joseph & Framenau 2
Podotricha Michener 2
Poecilopachys Simon 3
Poecilotheria Simon 12
Poekilocerus Serville 9
Poltys C. L. Koch 1
Polycarpa Heller 10
Polyglypta Burmeister
Polygonia Hübner 22
Polyommatus Latreille 37
Polytela Guenée 5
Polyura 4
Pomacea Perry 121
Pompelon Walker 4
Pontia Fabricius 16
Pratapa Moore 7
Prepona Boisduval 4
Problepsis Lederer 15
Procampta Holland
Procitheronia Michener 12
Protogoniomorpha Wallengren 10
Protula Risso 2
Psammophis Fitzinger 15
Pseudasellodes 2
Pseudatteria Walsingham 2
Pseudohaetera Brown 15
Pseudolycaena Wallengren 28
Pseudotrapelus Fitzinger 8
Psilochira Toxopeus 2
Pterochroza Linnaeus 3
Pteropus Brisson 6
Ptiloscola Michener 6
Ptyas Fitzinger 10
Pycnoclavella Garstang 24
Pylargosceles Prout 1
Pyrgus Hübner 19
Pyrinioides Butler 1
Pyromorpha Herrich-Schäffer 1
Pyrrhia Hübner 9
Pyrrhogyra Hübner 3
Pythonides Hübner 4