List of Muscicapidae genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves family Muscicapidae

Genus Common name #images
Baeolophus Cabanis tufted titmouse 14
Balaeniceps Gould shoebill 6
Balearica Brisson crowned cranes 13
Bambusicola Gould Bamboo partridges, ridge partridges 9
Bangsia Penard tanager 16
Barnardius Bonaparte Australian ringneck 5
Bartramia Lesson sandpiper 2
Baryphthengus Cabanis & Heine motmot 5
Basileuterus Cabanis Basileuterine Warbler
Basilinna F. Boie hummingbird 8
Basilornis Bonaparte myna 4
Bathilda Reichenbach 1
Batis F. Boie batis 20
Batrachostomus Gould frogmouth 10
Berenicornis Bonaparte 4
Blythipicus Bonaparte woodpecker 4
Boissonneaua Reichenbach coronet 11
Bombycilla Vieillot waxwings 24
Bonasa Stephens ruffed grouse 4
Bostrychia G. R. Gray 8
Botaurus Stephens boat-billed heron 18
Brachycope Reichenow Bob-tailed weaver
Brachypodius Blyth bulbul 9
Brachypteracias Lafresnaye ground roller 2
Brachypteryx Horsfield, shortwing 8
Brachyramphus Brandt, JF murrelet 9
Bradornis Smith, A 9
Branta Scopoli black geese 23
Brunhilda Reichenbach waxbill 4
Bubalornis A. Smith buffalo weaver 3
Bubo Duméril Horned Owl 66
Bubulcus Bonaparte herons 25
Bucanetes Cabanis 10
Bucephala S.F. Baird goldeneye 16
Buceros Linnaeus hornbill 21
Bucorvus Lesson ground hornbill 17
Bulweria Bonaparte petrel 4
Buphagus Brisson oxpecker 12
Burhinus Illiger stone-curlew, Thick-knees 32
Busarellus Lesson black-collared hawk 7
Butastur Hodgson 16
Buteo Lacepede Hawk, buzzard 68
Buteogallus Lesson, RP Hawk 10
Buthraupis Cabanis Hooded mountain tanager 5
Butorides Blyth herons 29
Bycanistes Cabanis & Heine hornbill 20