List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Cacatua Vieillot cockatoo, corella 45
Cacomantis S. Müller cuckoos 23
Cairina Fleming Muscovy duck 6
Calamonastides Grant and Mackworth-Praed
Calamospiza Bonaparte lark bunting 3
Calandrella Kaup 7
Calcarius Bechstein longspur 12
Calidris Merrem Stint, sandpiper 74
Callacanthis Reichenbach spectacled finch 5
Calliope Gould rubythroat, Firethroat, Blackthroat 16
Callipepla Wagler Crested quails 14
Calliphlox F. Boie 2
Callocephalon Lesson gang-gang cockatoo 4
Calochaetes Sclater, PL vermilion tanager 1
Calocitta G.R. Gray magpie-jays 8
Caloenas G. R. Gray pigeons 5
Calonectris Mathews & Iredale shearwater 9
Caloperdix Blyth ferruginous partridge 4
Caloramphus Lesson 3
Calothorax G.R. Gray 2
Calypte Gould 15
Calyptocichla Oberholser golden greenbul
Calyptomena Horsfield broadbill 8
Calyptorhynchus Desmarest black-and-red cockatoo 12
Campephilus G.R. Gray woodpecker 32
Campethera G.R. Gray woodpecker 82
Campicoloides Roberts buff-streaked chat or buff-streaked bushchat 1
Campocolinus Crowe et al francolins 9
Camptostoma P.L. Sclater beardless tyrannulet 4
Campylorhynchus Spix wren 45
Canachites Stejneger spruce grouse, Canada grouse, spruce hen, fool hen 7
Capito Vieillot barbet 15
Caprimulgus Linnaeus nightjar 24
Caracara Merrem crested caracara 12
Cardellina Bonaparte Red-faced Warbler 15
Cardinalis Bonaparte cardinal 17
Carduelis Brisson goldfinch 24
Caridonax Cabanis & Heine kingfisher 1
Carpococcyx G.R. Gray Asian ground-cuckoos 5
Carpodacus Kaup rosefinch 57
Carpodectes Salvin cotinga
Carpornis G.R. Gray berryeater 5
Carpospiza von Müller pale rockfinch, pale rock sparrow 39
Caryothraustes Reichenbach grosbeak 2
Cassowary Brisson Cassowary 11
Catamblyrhynchus Lafresnaye Plushcap 4
Catharopeza P.L. Sclater 2
Cathartes Illiger 14
Catharus Bonaparte nightingale-thrush 21
Catreus Cabanis cheer pheasant 4
Catriscus Cabanis fan-tailed grassbird, broad-tailed warbler 3
Cecropis F. Boie 32
Celeus F. Boie woodpecker 31
Centrocercus Swainson Sage-grouse 6
Centronyx Baird sparrow 7
Centropus Illiger coucal 59
Cephalopterus E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire umbrellabird 6
Cephalopyrus Bonaparte 4
Cepphus Pallas true guillemots 6
Ceratogymna Bonaparte hornbill 4
Ceratopipra Bonaparte manakin 13
Cercibis Wagler 2
Cercococcyx Cabanis long-tailed cuckoos 1
Cercotrichas F. Boie scrub robin 26
Cereopsis Latham 4
Cerorhinca Bonaparte 1
Certhia Linnaeus treecreeper 23
Certhidea Gould warbler-finch 1
Certhionyx Lesson honeyeater 2
Ceryle F. Boie kingfisher 20
Cettia Bonaparte typical bush warblers 13
Ceuthmochares Cabanis & Heine yellowbills 4
Ceyx Lacépède kingfisher 17
Chaetocercus G.R. Gray 13
Chaetura Stephens 2
Chaimarrornis Hodgson 2
Chalcomitra Reichenbach sunbirds 13
Chalcoparia Cabanis ruby-cheeked sunbird 2
Chalcophaps Gould dove 12
Chalcostigma Reichenbach 10
Chalcothraupis Bonaparte golden-naped tanager 4
Chalybura Reichenbach plumeleteer 7
Chamaea Gambel wrentit 3
Chamaepetes Wagler guan 12
Chamaetylas Heine alethe 3
Chamaeza Vigors antthrush 7
Charadrius Linnaeus plover 63
Charitospiza Oberholser coal-crested finch 2
Charminetta Iredale pygmy lorikeet 6
Charmosynopsis Salvadori lorikeet 1
Chasiempis Cabanis ʻelepaio 7
Chelictinia Lesson kite 2
Chelidorhynx Blyth yellow-bellied fantail, yellow-bellied fairy-fantail 5
Chenorhamphus Oustalet, fairywren 1
Chiroxiphia Cabanis manakin 25
Chlamydotis Lesson 5
Chlidonias Rafinesque tern 24
Chloebia Reichenbach 8
Chloris Cuvier greenfinch 22
Chloroceryle Kaup kingfisher 11
Chlorochrysa Bonaparte 6
Chloropeta yellow warbler
Chlorophanes Reichenbach Green honeycreeper 14
Chlorophonia Bonaparte euphonia 24
Chloropicus Malherbe woodpecker 3
Chloropsis Jardine & Selby leafbirds 27
Chlorornis Reichenbach Grass-green tanager 3
Chlorothraupis Salvin & Godman tanager 2
Cholornis Verreaux, J parrotbill 3
Chondestes Swainson lark sparrow 2
Chordeiles Swainson nighthawk 12
Chroicocephalus Eyton gull 56
Chrysococcyx Boie, F. cuckoos 27
Chrysocolaptes Blyth flameback 27
Chrysolampis Boie, F ruby-topaz hummingbird 4
Chrysolophus J.E. Gray 19
Chrysomma Blyth babbler 5
Chrysomus Swainson blackbird 4
Chrysophlegma Gould woodpecker 10
Chrysothlypis Berlepsch tanager 4
Cicinnurus Vieillot king bird-of-paradise 5
Ciconia Brisson stork 41
Cinclidium Blyth blue-fronted robin
Cinclocerthia G.R. Gray Trembler 2
Cinclus Borkhausen Dippers 10
Cinnyricinclus Lesson violet-backed starling, plum-coloured starling, amethyst starling 6
Cinnyris Cuvier sunbirds 84
Circus Lacépède harrier 51
Cissa F. Boie green magpies 25
Cissopis Vieillot magpie tanager 5
Cisticola Kaup fantail-warbler, tailor-bird 9
Cistothorus Cabanis wren 12
Cittura Kaup Lilac kingfisher 4
Cladorhynchus Vieillot banded stilt 3
Clamator Kaup cuckoos 20
Clanga Adamowicz 12
Clangula Leach long-tailed duck 6
Cleptornis Oustalet golden white-eye 4
Clytomyias Sharpe orange-crowned fairywren
Clytospiza Shelley 1
Cnemathraupis Penard mountain tanager 3
Coccopygia Reichenbach 4
Coccothraustes Brisson hawfinch 14
Coccycua Lesson cuckoos 6
Coccyzus Vieillot cuckoos 23
Cochlearius Brisson boat-billed heron 8
Cochoa Hodgson cochoa 6
Coeligena Lesson inca, starfrontlet 3
Coenocorypha G.R. Gray austral snipe 3
Coereba Vieillot bananaquit 5
Colaptes Vigors woodpecker, flicker 59
Colibri Spix violetears 21
Colinus Goldfuss Bobwhites 7
Colius Brisson 4
Coloeus Kaup Jackdaws 9
Columba Linnaeus Pigeons 12
Columbina von Spix Ground-Doves 16
Compsothraupis Richmond Scarlet-throated tanager 3
Conioptilon Lowery & O'Neill Black-faced cotinga 1
Conostoma Hodgson great parrotbill 1
Contopus Cabanis flycatcher, pewee 5
Conuropsis Salvadori Carolina parakeet, Carolina conure 2
Copsychus Wagler magpie-robin, shama 36
Coracias Linnaeus 53
Coracina Vieillot cuckooshrike 1
Coracopsis Wagler vasa parrot 6
Coragyps Le Maout black vulture 12
Corapipo Bonaparte manakin 5
Corthylio Cabanis ruby-crowned kinglet 8
Corvus Linnaeus Crows 116
Corydon Lesson dusky broadbill 5
Coryphaspiza G. R. Gray Black-masked finch 2
Corythaeola Heine great blue turaco 9
Corythornis Kaup kingfisher 13
Coscoroba Reichenbach coscoroba swan 3
Cossypha Vigors robin-chat 19
Cotinga Brisson cotinga 16
Coturnicops G.R. Gray rail 1
Coturnix Garsault quails 9
Coua Schinz couas 20
Crax Linnaeus curassow 26
Creagrus Bonaparte Swallow-tailed gull 3
Crecopsis Sharpe African crake 3
Crex Bechstein corn crake, corncrake, landrail 3
Crinifer Jarocki plantain-eaters, go-away-bird 27
Crithagra Swainson Canary, seedeater, siskin, citril 3
Crossoptilon Hodgson Eared pheasants 12
Crotophaga Linnaeus anis 15
Crypsirina Vieillot treepie 2
Cryptomicroeca Christidis, Irestedt, Rowe, Boles & Norman 1
Cryptopezus Carneiro, Bravo & Aleixo speckle-breasted antpitta 2
Cryptophaps Salvadori sombre pigeon 1
Cryptospiza Salvadori crimsonwings 3
Cuculus Linnaeus cuckoos 18
Culicicapa R. Swinhoe canary-flycatcher 8
Curruca Bechstein 55
Cursorius Latham courser 23
Cutia Hodgson cutia 2
Cyanerpes Oberholser honeycreeper 24
Cyanicterus Bonaparte Blue-backed tanager 1
Cyanistes Kaup 16
Cyanocitta Linnaeus jays 17
Cyanocompsa Cabanis blue bunting 2
Cyanocorax F. Boie New World jays 31
Cyanoderma Salvadori babbler 27
Cyanolanius Bonaparte blue vanga 4
Cyanoloxia Bonaparte grosbeak 7
Cyanolyca Cabanis jays 9
Cyanomitra Reichenbach sunbirds 20
Cyanopica Bonaparte magpies 7
Cyanoptila Blyth flycatcher 3
Cyclarhis Swainson peppershrike 4
Cygnus Bechstein true swans 36
Cymbirhynchus Vigors black-and-red broadbill 8
Cynanthus Swainson hummingbird, emerald 7
Cyornis Blyth flycatcher 16
Cypseloides Streubel swift 10
Cyrtonyx Gould quails 3