List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Galerida Boie, F lark 27
Gallicolumba Gmelin green pigeon 13
Gallicrex Blyth watercock 2
Gallinago Brisson Snipe 18
Gallinula Brisson Moorhens 42
Gallirallus Lafresnaye Weka 2
Gallirex Lesson 3
Galloperdix Blyth Asian spurfowl 8
Gallus Brisson Junglefowl 17
Gampsonyx Vigors Pearl kite 1
Gampsorhynchus Blyth babbler 8
Garrodia Forbes, WA grey-backed storm petrel 4
Garrulax Lesson laughingthrush 24
Garrulus Brisson Old World jays, brown jays 16
Gavia Forster Loons, divers 19
Gecinulus Blyth woodpecker 3
Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm tern 7
Geobiastes Sharpe scaly ground roller 1
Geococcyx Wagler roadrunners, chaparral birds, chaparral cocks 13
Geocolaptes Swainson ground woodpecker 4
Geoffroyus Bonaparte 2
Geokichla S. Müller thrush 22
Geophaps G.R. Gray pigeon 16
Geospiza Gould
Geothlypis Cabanis Mourning Warbler 12
Geotrygon Gosse quail-doves 14
Geronticus Wagler 6
Glareola Brisson Pratincoles 34
Glaucestrilda Roberts 5
Glaucidium F. Boie Pygmy owl 42
Glaucis Boie, F 6
Glossopsitta Bonaparte musk lorikeet 5
Gnorimopsar Richmond chopi blackbird 4
Goodfellowia Hartert myna 2
Gorsachius Bonaparte zigzag heron 8
Goura Stephens crowned pigeon 16
Gracula Linnaeus hill myna 9
Gracupica Lesson 20
Grallaria Vieillot antpitta 3
Grallaricula P.L. Sclater antpitta 19
Grammatoptila Reichenbach striated laughingthrush 5
Granatellus Bonaparte chat 4
Granatina Sharpe 6
Grandala Hodgson grandala 10
Graueria Hartert Grauer's warbler 1
Graydidascalus Bonaparte parrot
Grus Brisson 41
Gubernatrix Lesson yellow cardinal 4
Guira Lesson 8
Gulosus Montagu European shag 3
Guttera Wagler guineafowl 6
Gygis Wagler noddies 4
Gymnasio Bonaparte Puerto Rican owl 2
Gymnoderus E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Bare-necked fruitcrow 4
Gymnogyps Lesson 5
Gymnopithys Bonaparte antbird 8
Gymnorhina Gray, GR Australian magpie 10
Gymnorhinus Wied-Neuwied pinyon jay 4
Gymnoris Blyth bush sparrow, petronia 11
Gypaetus Storr 10
Gypohierax Rüppell palm-nut vulture 7
Gyps Savigny griffon vulture 29
Gypsophila Oates babbler 12