List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Lacedo Reichenbach banded kingfisher 2
Lafresnaya Bonaparte Mountain velvetbreast 4
Lagonosticta Cabanis firefinch 22
Lagopus Brisson ptarmigans 25
Lamprotornis emminck 64
Laniarius Vieillot boubou, gonolek 23
Laniellus Swainson crocias
Lanius Linnaeus shrikes 97
Larosterna Blyth Inca tern 7
Larus Linnaeus gull 110
Larvivora Hodgson East and South-East Asian robins 11
Laterallus Gray, G.R. crake 20
Lathamus Lesson swift parrot 2
Leiopicus Bonaparte yellow-crowned woodpecker 9
Leioptila Blyth rufous-backed sibia 1
Leiothlypis Sangster warbler 19
Leiothrix Swainson 29
Leipoa Gould malleefowl 2
Leistes Vigors meadowlark 16
Leonardina Mearns Bagobo babbler, Bagobo robin 1
Lepidopygia Reichenbach 1
Lepidothrix Bonaparte manakin 12
Leptocoma Cabanis sunbirds 30
Leptopoecile Severtzov tit-warblers 8
Leptoptilos Lesson, RP stork, adjutant 18
Leptotrygon Banks et al. olive-backed quail-dove
Lerwa Hodgson snow partridge 5
Lessonia Swainson negrito 4
Leucippus Bonaparte buffy hummingbird 3
Leucocarbo Bonaparte cormorant, shag 40
Leucochloris Reichenbach white-throated hummingbird 6
Leucogeranus Bonaparte Siberian crane 2
Leuconotopicus Malherbe woodpecker 13
Leucopeza Sclater Semper's warbler 1
Leucophaeus Bruch gull 25
Leucopsar Stresemann Bali myna, Rothschild's mynah, Bali starling, Bali mynah 7
Leucoptilon Sangster et al. white-tailed flycatcher
Leucosticte Swainson mountain finch 16
Lewinia Gray, GR rail 4
Limnodromus Wied-Neuwied dowitcher 10
Limnothlypis Stone Swainson's Warbler 3
Limosa Brisson Godwit 25
Linaria Bechstein twite, linnet 17
Linurgus Reichenbach oriole finch 2
Liocichla Swinhoe liocichla 9
Lioparus Oates golden-breasted fulvetta 3
Lipaugus F. Boie piha, cotinga 15
Lissotis Reichenbach 4
Locustella Kaup bush warbler 10
Loddigesia Bonaparte Marvelous Spatuletail 5
Lonchura Sykes Munias, mannikins 61
Lophaetus Kaup 6
Lophoceros Hemprich & Ehrenberg hornbill 18
Lophodytes Reichenbach hooded merganser 10
Lophoictinia Kaup 3
Lophonetta Riley crested duck, South American crested duck 3
Lophophanes Kaup 8
Lophophorus Temminck monal 17
Lophorina Vieillot riflebird 3
Lophornis Lesson 23
Lophospingus Cabanis finch 3
Lophostrix Lesson crested owl 2
Lophotibis Reichenbach 1
Lophotis Reichenbach 4
Lophotriorchis Sharpe Rufous-bellied eagle 5
Lophura Fleming Gallopheasant 45
Loriculus Blyth 6
Loxia L. Crossbill 11
Loxigilla R. Lesson bullfinch 5
Loxipasser Bryant yellow-shouldered grassquit
Lurocalis Cassin nighthawk 2
Luscinia T. Forster nightingales and relatives, Rubythroats 22
Lybius Hermann barbet 16
Lymnocryptes F. Boie jack snipe 68
Lyncornis Gould eared nightjar 3
Lyrurus Swainson black grouse 6