List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Namibornis Bradfield Herero chat 4
Nannopterum Sharpe cormorant 22
Necrosyrtes Gloger Hooded vulture 7
Nectarinia Illiger sunbirds 21
Nemosia Vieillot tanager 2
Neochmia G.R. Gray 13
Neocossyphus Fischer & Reichenow ant thrush 1
Neolestes Cabanis black-collared bulbul, black-collared greenbul 1
Neomorphus Gloger ground cuckoo 1
Neophema Salvadori grass parrot 10
Neophron Savigny Egyptian vulture, white scavenger vulture, pharaoh's chicken 7
Neopsephotus Mathews Bourke's parrot 3
Neothraupis Hellmayr Shrike-like tanager 3
Neotis Sharpe 3
Nesasio J. L. Peters
Nesillas Oberholser 2
Nesocharis Alexander oliveback 2
Nesoctites Hargitt woodpecker 2
Nesofregetta Mathews Polynesian storm petrel
Nesophlox Ridgway 3
Nesopsar P.L. Sclater Jamaican blackbird 1
Nestor Lesson kea, kākā 11
Netta Kaup pochard 22
Nettapus Brandt pygmy geese 11
Nigrita Strickland nigritas, negrofinches 3
Niltava Hodgson nitava 26
Ninox Hodgson hawk-owl, boobook 2
Nipponia Reichenbach 4
Nisaetus Hodgson hawk-eagle 32
Nok Fuchs et al. bare-faced bulbul 3
Nomonyx Ridgway masked duck 3
Northiella Mathews bluebonnet 2
Nothocrax Burmeister nocturnal curassow 1
Nucifraga Brisson Nutcrackers 12
Numenius Brisson curlew 41
Numida Linnaeus helmeted guineafowl 6
Nyctanassa Stejneger night herons 18
Nyctibius Vieillot potoo 17
Nycticorax T. Forster night herons 28
Nycticryphes Wetmore & Peters 1
Nyctiprogne Bonaparte nighthawk 2
Nyctyornis Jardine & Selby bee-eaters 15
Nymphicus Wagler cockatiel, weero, weiro, quarrion 4