List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Oceanites Keyserling & Blasius storm petrel 7
Ocreatus Gould whitetip 12
Ocyceros Hume grey hornbill 13
Ocyphaps G.R. Gray crested pigeon 8
Odontophorus Vieillot wood quails 6
Oena Swainson Namaqua dove 6
Oenanthe Vieillot wheatear 69
Ognorhynchus Bonaparte yellow-eared parrot 5
Onychoprion Wagler tern 26
Onychorhynchus Fischer von Waldheim Royal flycatcher 5
Onychostruthus Richmond white-rumped snowfinch 2
Ophrysia Bonaparte Himalayan quail, mountain quail
Opisthocomus Illiger hoatzin, hoactzin 4
Oporornis Baird Mourning Warbler 2
Orchesticus Cabanis tanager, grosbeak 1
Oreoica Gould crested bellbird 3
Oreophasis G.R. Gray horned guan 1
Oreopholus Jardine & Selby dotterel 2
Oreopsittacus Salvadori Plum-faced lorikeet 1
Oreortyx (Douglas) Baird Mountain quail 3
Oreoscoptes Baird sage thrasher 3
Oreostruthus De Vis 1
Oreothlypis Ridgway warbler 4
Oriolus Linnaeus Orioles 60
Ornorectes Iredale 1
Orthorhyncus Lacépède Antillean crested hummingbird 2
Orthotomus Horsfield tailorbird 10
Ortygornis Reichenbach francolins 13
Ortygospiza Sundevall 4
Ortyxelos Vieillot quail-plover, lark buttonquail, lark-plover 1
Otis Linnaeus 4
Otus Pennant Scops-Owl 13
Oxyura Bonaparte stiff-tailed duck 13