List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Rallicula Schlegel forest rail
Rallina G.R. Gray crake 10
Rallus Linnaeus rail 39
Ramosomyia M.D. Bruce & F.G. Stiles hummingbird 5
Ramphastos Linnaeus toucans 27
Ramphocaenus Vieillot gnatwren 1
Ramphocelus Desmarest tanager 43
Ramphocinclus Lafresnaye white-breasted thrasher 2
Ramphodon Lesson 2
Rauenia Wolters Blue-and-yellow tanager 3
Recurvirostra Linnaeus avocet 20
Regulus Cuvier 31
Reinwardtipicus Bonaparte orange-backed woodpecker 1
Remiz Jarocki WIKI 11
Rhamphococcyx Cabanis & Heine yellow-billed malkoha 2
Rhegmatorhina Ridgway antbird 8
Rheinardia Maingonnat Crested arguses 2
Rhinoplax Gloger helmeted hornbill 2
Rhinopomastus Jardine Scimitarbill 5
Rhinoptilus Strickland courser 15
Rhinortha Raffles Raffles's malkoha 2
Rhipidura Vigors & Horsfield Fantail 29
Rhodonessa Reichenbach pink-headed duck
Rhodopechys Cabanis crimson-winged finch 4
Rhodopis Reichenbach 5
Rhodospiza Sharpe desert finch 4
Rhodostethia MacGillivray Ross's gull 2
Rhodothraupis Ridgway grosbeak 2
Rhopospina Cabanis sierra finch 8
Rhyacornis Blanford redstart 1
Rhynchophanes Baird thick-billed longspur, McCown's longspur 5
Rhynchortyx Ogilvie-Grant tawny-faced quail 1
Rhynchostruthus P.L. Sclater & Hartlaub golden-winged grosbeak 1
Rhynochetos Verreaux & Des Murs kagu 3
Rhyticeros Reichenbach hornbill 22
Rigidipenna Cleere et al frogmouth
Riparia Forster, T 14
Rissa Stephens kittiwake 7
Robsonius Collar ground warbler
Rollandia Bonaparte 5
Rollulus Bonnaterre crested partridge 5
Rostratula Vieillot 7
Rostrhamus Lesson 7
Rougetius Bonaparte Rouget's rail 1
Rubigula Blyth bulbul 21
Rufirallus Bonaparte crake 1
Rukia white-eyes 1
Rupicola Brisson cock-of-the-rock 9
Rynchops Linnaeus skimmer, scissorbill 21