List of Picidae genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves family Picidae

Genus Common name #images
Upupa Linnaeus Hoopoes 24
Uraeginthus Cabanis 18
Uranomitra Reichenbach Andean emerald hummingbird 3
Uratelornis Rothschild long-tailed ground roller 2
Uria Brisson guillemots, murres, turr 11
Urile Bonaparte cormorant 14
Urochroa Gould hillstar 8
Urocissa Cabanis blue magpies 23
Urocolius Bonaparte 7
Urodynamis Pacific long-tailed cuckoo 2
Uroglaux Mayr Papuan hawk-owl 1
Urosphena Swinhoe 3
Urosticte Gould whitetip 4
Urotriorchis Sharpe long-tailed hawk 1