List of genera .

Aves genera

Genera of the Aves

Genus Common name #images
Semnornis Richmond toucan-barbets
Abeillia Bonaparte emerald-chinned hummingbird 1
Abroscopus Baker warbler 11
Aburria L. Reichenbach wattled guan 2
Acanthis Borkhausen redpoll 17
Acanthiza Vigors & Horsfield striated thornbill 29
Acanthorhynchus Gould Spinebill 13
Accipiter Brisson goshawk, sparrowhawk 87
Aceros Hodgson Rufous-necked hornbill 8
Acridotheres Vieillot myna 38
Acritillas Oberholser yellow-browed bulbul, golden-browed bulbul 7
Acrocephalus J. A. Naumann and J. F. Naumann marsh warblers, reed warblers 27
Acropternis Cabanis & Heine ocellated tapaculo 2
Acryllium Gray, GR vulturine guineafowl 3
Actenoides Bonaparte kingfisher 17
Actinodura Gould barwing 23
Actitis Illiger wader 10
Actophilornis Oberholser jacanas 12
Aechmophorus Coues 16
Aegithalos Hermann songbird, bushtit 39
Aegithina Vieillot Common iora 16
Aegolius Kaup owl 11
Aegypius Savigny Cinereous vulture 5
Aenigmatolimnas J.L. Peters striped crake 1
Aepypodius Oustalet brushturkey 1
Aethia Merrem 7
Aethopyga Cabanis sunbirds 84
Afropavo Chapin Congo peafowl 3
Afrotis GR Gray 6
Agamia Reichenbach herons 5
Agapornis Selby Lovebird 11
Agelaius Vieillot blackbird 16
Agelastes Bonaparte guineafowl 2
Agelasticus Cabanis blackbird 5
Aglaeactis Gould sunbeam 12
Aglaiocercus Zimmer 12
Agraphospiza Zuccon, Prŷs-Jones, Rasmussen & Ericson Blanford's rosefinch 1
Agricola Bonaparte flycatcher 6
Aidemosyne Reichenbach 1
Aix F. Boie Wood Ducks 12
Alauda Linnaeus skylark 18
Alca Linnaeus 8
Alcedo Linnaeus kingfisher 16
Alcippe Blyth fulvetta, alcippe 16
Alcurus Blyth striated bulbul 4
Aleadryas Iredale rufous-naped bellbird
Alectoris Kaup rock partridges 19
Alectroenas G.R. Gray blue pigeon 4
Alectura Latham Australian brushturkey, Australian brush-turkey, gweela 4
Alethe Cassin alethe 1
Alipiopsitta Caparroz and Pacheco parrot
Alisterus Mathews Australasian parrots 7
Alle Link little auk, dovekie 1
Allenia Cory scaly-breasted thrasher 2
Alophoixus Oates finchbill 17
Alopochen Stejneger Egyptian goose 10
Amadina Swainson 10
Amandava Blyth 28
Amaurolimnas Sharpe uniform crake 1
Amaurornis Reichenbach bush-hen 9
Amaurospiza Cabanis seedeater 1
Amazilia Lesson, RP hummingbird 17
Amazilis Gray, GR amazilia hummingbird 2
Amazona Lesson parrot 10
Amazonetta von Boetticher Brazilian teal, Brazilian duck 6
Amblycercus Cabanis yellow-billed cacique 2
Amblyospiza Sundevall Thick-billed weaver 5
Ammodramus Swainson sparrow 9
Ammomanes Cabanis lark 14
Ammoperdix Gould 3
Ammospiza Oberholser sparrow 21
Ampelioides Verreaux Scaled fruiteater 3
Ampelion Tschudi cotinga 5
Amphispiza Coues black-throated sparrow 2
Amytornis Stejneger Grasswrens 21
Anabathmis Reichenow sunbirds 9
Anaplectes Reichenbach weavers 3
Anarhynchus Quoy & Gaimard wrybill 101
Anas Linnaeus 135
Anastomus Bonnaterre openbill stork 17
Andigena Gould mountain toucans 6
Androdon Gould tooth-billed hummingbird 3
Andropadus Swainson sombre greenbul 4
Anhima Brisson horned screamer 9
Anhinga Brisson darters, anhingas, snakebirds 42
Anisognathus Reichenbach 15
Anodorhynchus Spix parrot 13
Anomalospiza Shelley cuckoo-finch 2
Anopetia Simon 1
Anorrhinus Reichenbach hornbill 6
Anous Stephens noddy 19
Anser Brisson shelduck 55
Anthipes Blyth flycatcher 6
Anthobaphes Cabanis orange-breasted sunbird 5
Anthocephala Cabanis & Heine blossomcrown 2
Anthochaera Vigors & Horsfield wattlebird 14
Anthoscopus Cabanis WIKI 4
Anthracoceros Reichenbach hornbill 12
Anthracothorax F. Boie mango 17
Anthreptes Swainson sunbirds 26
Anthropoides Vieillot
Anthus Bechstein Pipit 38
Antigone Reichenbach 35
Antrostomus Bonaparte nightjar, whip-poor-will 23
Apalharpactes Bonaparte trogon 6
Apaloderma Swainson trogon 6
Apalopteron Bonaparte Bonin white-eye 1
Aphelocoma Cabanis jays and scrub jays 25
Aplonis Gould starling 14
Aprosmictus Gould 5
Aptenodytes Miller, JF penguin 15
Aptenorallus Kirchman, McInerney, Giarla, Olson, Slikas & Fleischer Calayan rail
Apus Linnaeus Swift 2
Aquila Brisson Eagle 35
Ara Lacépède macaw 9
Arachnothera Temminck spiderhunters 34
Aramides Pucheran wood rail 22
Aramus Vieillot limpkin 9
Arborophila Hodgson partridge 19
Archilochus Reichenbach 14
Ardea Linnaeus Great Herons 79
Ardenna Reichenbach shearwater 31
Ardeola F. Boie Pond herons 30
Ardeotis Le Maout 11
Arenaria Brisson Turnstone 17
Argusianus Rafinesque great argus 5
Argya Lesson, R babbler 35
Arizelocichla Oberholser golden greenbul 3
Arses Lesson flycatcher 8
Artamella W.L. Sclater white-headed vanga 3
Arundinax Blyth thick-billed warbler 3
Asemospiza K. J. Burns, Unitt & N. A. Mason grassquit 2
Asio Brisson typical owls, Eared Owl 28
Aspatha Lafresnaye blue-throated motmot 1
Astrapia Vieillot astrapia 7
Atelornis Pucheran ground roller 3
Athene F. Boie owl 28
Attagis Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. and Lesson, R seedsnipes 2
Augastes Gould visorbearer 5
Aulacorhynchus Gould Green toucanets 21
Auriparus S.F. Baird WIKI 3
Aviceda Swainson baza 23
Avocettula Reichenbach Fiery-tailed awlbill 1
Aythya F. Boie duck, scaup, pochard 42
Baeolophus Cabanis tufted titmouse 14
Balaeniceps Gould shoebill 6
Balearica Brisson crowned cranes 13
Bambusicola Gould Bamboo partridges, ridge partridges 9
Bangsia Penard tanager 16
Barnardius Bonaparte Australian ringneck 5
Bartramia Lesson sandpiper 2
Baryphthengus Cabanis & Heine motmot 5
Basileuterus Cabanis Basileuterine Warbler
Basilinna F. Boie hummingbird 8
Basilornis Bonaparte myna 4
Bathilda Reichenbach 1
Batis F. Boie batis 20
Batrachostomus Gould frogmouth 10
Berenicornis Bonaparte 4
Blythipicus Bonaparte woodpecker 4
Boissonneaua Reichenbach coronet 11
Bombycilla Vieillot waxwings 24
Bonasa Stephens ruffed grouse 4
Bostrychia G. R. Gray 8
Botaurus Stephens boat-billed heron 18
Brachycope Reichenow Bob-tailed weaver
Brachypodius Blyth bulbul 9
Brachypteracias Lafresnaye ground roller 2
Brachypteryx Horsfield, shortwing 8
Brachyramphus Brandt, JF murrelet 9
Bradornis Smith, A 9
Branta Scopoli black geese 23
Brunhilda Reichenbach waxbill 4
Bubalornis A. Smith buffalo weaver 3
Bubo Duméril Horned Owl 66
Bubulcus Bonaparte herons 25
Bucanetes Cabanis 10
Bucephala S.F. Baird goldeneye 16
Buceros Linnaeus hornbill 21
Bucorvus Lesson ground hornbill 17
Bulweria Bonaparte petrel 4
Buphagus Brisson oxpecker 12
Burhinus Illiger stone-curlew, Thick-knees 32
Busarellus Lesson black-collared hawk 7
Butastur Hodgson 16
Buteo Lacepede Hawk, buzzard 68
Buteogallus Lesson, RP Hawk 10
Buthraupis Cabanis Hooded mountain tanager 5
Butorides Blyth herons 29
Bycanistes Cabanis & Heine hornbill 20
Cacatua Vieillot cockatoo, corella 45
Cacomantis S. Müller cuckoos 23
Cairina Fleming Muscovy duck 6
Calamonastides Grant and Mackworth-Praed
Calamospiza Bonaparte lark bunting 3
Calandrella Kaup 7
Calcarius Bechstein longspur 12
Calidris Merrem Stint, sandpiper 74
Callacanthis Reichenbach spectacled finch 5
Calliope Gould rubythroat, Firethroat, Blackthroat 16
Callipepla Wagler Crested quails 14
Calliphlox F. Boie 2
Callocephalon Lesson gang-gang cockatoo 4
Calochaetes Sclater, PL vermilion tanager 1
Calocitta G.R. Gray magpie-jays 8
Caloenas G. R. Gray pigeons 5
Calonectris Mathews & Iredale shearwater 9
Caloperdix Blyth ferruginous partridge 4
Caloramphus Lesson 3
Calothorax G.R. Gray 2
Calypte Gould 15
Calyptocichla Oberholser golden greenbul
Calyptomena Horsfield broadbill 8
Calyptorhynchus Desmarest black-and-red cockatoo 12
Campephilus G.R. Gray woodpecker 32
Campethera G.R. Gray woodpecker 82
Campicoloides Roberts buff-streaked chat or buff-streaked bushchat 1
Campocolinus Crowe et al francolins 9
Camptostoma P.L. Sclater beardless tyrannulet 4
Campylorhynchus Spix wren 45
Canachites Stejneger spruce grouse, Canada grouse, spruce hen, fool hen 7
Capito Vieillot barbet 15
Caprimulgus Linnaeus nightjar 24
Caracara Merrem crested caracara 12
Cardellina Bonaparte Red-faced Warbler 15
Cardinalis Bonaparte cardinal 17
Carduelis Brisson goldfinch 24
Caridonax Cabanis & Heine kingfisher 1
Carpococcyx G.R. Gray Asian ground-cuckoos 5
Carpodacus Kaup rosefinch 57
Carpodectes Salvin cotinga
Carpornis G.R. Gray berryeater 5
Carpospiza von Müller pale rockfinch, pale rock sparrow 39
Caryothraustes Reichenbach grosbeak 2
Cassowary Brisson Cassowary 11
Catamblyrhynchus Lafresnaye Plushcap 4
Catharopeza P.L. Sclater 2
Cathartes Illiger 14
Catharus Bonaparte nightingale-thrush 21
Catreus Cabanis cheer pheasant 4
Catriscus Cabanis fan-tailed grassbird, broad-tailed warbler 3
Cecropis F. Boie 32
Celeus F. Boie woodpecker 31
Centrocercus Swainson Sage-grouse 6
Centronyx Baird sparrow 7
Centropus Illiger coucal 59
Cephalopterus E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire umbrellabird 6
Cephalopyrus Bonaparte 4
Cepphus Pallas true guillemots 6
Ceratogymna Bonaparte hornbill 4
Ceratopipra Bonaparte manakin 13
Cercibis Wagler 2
Cercococcyx Cabanis long-tailed cuckoos 1
Cercotrichas F. Boie scrub robin 26
Cereopsis Latham 4
Cerorhinca Bonaparte 1
Certhia Linnaeus treecreeper 23
Certhidea Gould warbler-finch 1
Certhionyx Lesson honeyeater 2
Ceryle F. Boie kingfisher 20
Cettia Bonaparte typical bush warblers 13
Ceuthmochares Cabanis & Heine yellowbills 4
Ceyx Lacépède kingfisher 17
Chaetocercus G.R. Gray 13
Chaetura Stephens 2
Chaimarrornis Hodgson 2
Chalcomitra Reichenbach sunbirds 13
Chalcoparia Cabanis ruby-cheeked sunbird 2
Chalcophaps Gould dove 12
Chalcostigma Reichenbach 10
Chalcothraupis Bonaparte golden-naped tanager 4
Chalybura Reichenbach plumeleteer 7
Chamaea Gambel wrentit 3
Chamaepetes Wagler guan 12
Chamaetylas Heine alethe 3
Chamaeza Vigors antthrush 7
Charadrius Linnaeus plover 63
Charitospiza Oberholser coal-crested finch 2
Charminetta Iredale pygmy lorikeet 6
Charmosynopsis Salvadori lorikeet 1
Chasiempis Cabanis ʻelepaio 7
Chelictinia Lesson kite 2
Chelidorhynx Blyth yellow-bellied fantail, yellow-bellied fairy-fantail 5
Chenorhamphus Oustalet, fairywren 1
Chiroxiphia Cabanis manakin 25
Chlamydotis Lesson 5
Chlidonias Rafinesque tern 24
Chloebia Reichenbach 8
Chloris Cuvier greenfinch 22
Chloroceryle Kaup kingfisher 11
Chlorochrysa Bonaparte 6
Chloropeta yellow warbler
Chlorophanes Reichenbach Green honeycreeper 14
Chlorophonia Bonaparte euphonia 24
Chloropicus Malherbe woodpecker 3
Chloropsis Jardine & Selby leafbirds 27
Chlorornis Reichenbach Grass-green tanager 3
Chlorothraupis Salvin & Godman tanager 2
Cholornis Verreaux, J parrotbill 3
Chondestes Swainson lark sparrow 2
Chordeiles Swainson nighthawk 12
Chroicocephalus Eyton gull 56
Chrysococcyx Boie, F. cuckoos 27
Chrysocolaptes Blyth flameback 27
Chrysolampis Boie, F ruby-topaz hummingbird 4
Chrysolophus J.E. Gray 19
Chrysomma Blyth babbler 5
Chrysomus Swainson blackbird 4
Chrysophlegma Gould woodpecker 10
Chrysothlypis Berlepsch tanager 4
Cicinnurus Vieillot king bird-of-paradise 5
Ciconia Brisson stork 41
Cinclidium Blyth blue-fronted robin
Cinclocerthia G.R. Gray Trembler 2
Cinclus Borkhausen Dippers 10
Cinnyricinclus Lesson violet-backed starling, plum-coloured starling, amethyst starling 6
Cinnyris Cuvier sunbirds 84
Circus Lacépède harrier 51
Cissa F. Boie green magpies 25
Cissopis Vieillot magpie tanager 5
Cisticola Kaup fantail-warbler, tailor-bird 9
Cistothorus Cabanis wren 12
Cittura Kaup Lilac kingfisher 4
Cladorhynchus Vieillot banded stilt 3
Clamator Kaup cuckoos 20
Clanga Adamowicz 12
Clangula Leach long-tailed duck 6
Cleptornis Oustalet golden white-eye 4
Clytomyias Sharpe orange-crowned fairywren
Clytospiza Shelley 1
Cnemathraupis Penard mountain tanager 3
Coccopygia Reichenbach 4
Coccothraustes Brisson hawfinch 14
Coccycua Lesson cuckoos 6
Coccyzus Vieillot cuckoos 23
Cochlearius Brisson boat-billed heron 8
Cochoa Hodgson cochoa 6
Coeligena Lesson inca, starfrontlet 3
Coenocorypha G.R. Gray austral snipe 3
Coereba Vieillot bananaquit 5
Colaptes Vigors woodpecker, flicker 59
Colibri Spix violetears 21
Colinus Goldfuss Bobwhites 7
Colius Brisson 4
Coloeus Kaup Jackdaws 9
Columba Linnaeus Pigeons 12
Columbina von Spix Ground-Doves 16
Compsothraupis Richmond Scarlet-throated tanager 3
Conioptilon Lowery & O'Neill Black-faced cotinga 1
Conostoma Hodgson great parrotbill 1
Contopus Cabanis flycatcher, pewee 5
Conuropsis Salvadori Carolina parakeet, Carolina conure 2
Copsychus Wagler magpie-robin, shama 36
Coracias Linnaeus 53
Coracina Vieillot cuckooshrike 1
Coracopsis Wagler vasa parrot 6
Coragyps Le Maout black vulture 12
Corapipo Bonaparte manakin 5
Corthylio Cabanis ruby-crowned kinglet 8
Corvus Linnaeus Crows 116
Corydon Lesson dusky broadbill 5
Coryphaspiza G. R. Gray Black-masked finch 2
Corythaeola Heine great blue turaco 9
Corythornis Kaup kingfisher 13
Coscoroba Reichenbach coscoroba swan 3
Cossypha Vigors robin-chat 19
Cotinga Brisson cotinga 16
Coturnicops G.R. Gray rail 1
Coturnix Garsault quails 9
Coua Schinz couas 20
Crax Linnaeus curassow 26
Creagrus Bonaparte Swallow-tailed gull 3
Crecopsis Sharpe African crake 3
Crex Bechstein corn crake, corncrake, landrail 3
Crinifer Jarocki plantain-eaters, go-away-bird 27
Crithagra Swainson Canary, seedeater, siskin, citril 3
Crossoptilon Hodgson Eared pheasants 12
Crotophaga Linnaeus anis 15
Crypsirina Vieillot treepie 2
Cryptomicroeca Christidis, Irestedt, Rowe, Boles & Norman 1
Cryptopezus Carneiro, Bravo & Aleixo speckle-breasted antpitta 2
Cryptophaps Salvadori sombre pigeon 1
Cryptospiza Salvadori crimsonwings 3
Cuculus Linnaeus cuckoos 18
Culicicapa R. Swinhoe canary-flycatcher 8
Curruca Bechstein 55
Cursorius Latham courser 23
Cutia Hodgson cutia 2
Cyanerpes Oberholser honeycreeper 24
Cyanicterus Bonaparte Blue-backed tanager 1
Cyanistes Kaup 16
Cyanocitta Linnaeus jays 17
Cyanocompsa Cabanis blue bunting 2
Cyanocorax F. Boie New World jays 31
Cyanoderma Salvadori babbler 27
Cyanolanius Bonaparte blue vanga 4
Cyanoloxia Bonaparte grosbeak 7
Cyanolyca Cabanis jays 9
Cyanomitra Reichenbach sunbirds 20
Cyanopica Bonaparte magpies 7
Cyanoptila Blyth flycatcher 3
Cyclarhis Swainson peppershrike 4
Cygnus Bechstein true swans 36
Cymbirhynchus Vigors black-and-red broadbill 8
Cynanthus Swainson hummingbird, emerald 7
Cyornis Blyth flycatcher 16
Cypseloides Streubel swift 10
Cyrtonyx Gould quails 3
Dacelo Leach Kookaburra 22
Dacnis Cuvier dacnis 14
Dactylortyx (Gambel ) Ogilvie-Grant quails
Daptrius Vieillot black caracara 3
Dasycrotapha Tweeddale babbler and pygmy babblers 1
Dasylophus Swainson malkoha 3
Delacourella Wolters 1
Deleornis Wolters sunbirds 1
Delichon F. Moore House-Martins 7
Dendragapus Elliot grouses 7
Dendrocitta Gould treepies 21
Dendrocopos Koch woodpecker 40
Dendrocoptes Cabanis & Heine woodpecker 10
Dendrocygna Swainson whistling ducks, tree ducks 33
Dendronanthus Blyth forest wagtail 5
Dendropicos Malherbe, woodpecker 19
Dendrortyx Gould wood partridge 3
Dicaeum Cuvier 49
Dicrurus Vieillot drongos 46
Diglossa Wagler flowerpiercer 9
Dinemellia Reichenbach White-headed buffalo weaver 2
Dinopium Rafinesque flameback 23
Diomedea Linnaeus albatross 28
Diphyllodes Lesson, RP bird-of-paradise 4
Diuca Reichenbach diuca finch 2
Dives Cassin blackbird 6
Dolichonyx Swainson Bobolink 9
Doliornis Taczanowski cotinga 2
Doricha Reichenbach 8
Doryfera Gould lancebill 4
Drepanorhynchus Fischer & Reichenow golden-winged sunbird 2
Dreptes Illiger giant sunbird 1
Dromaius Vieillot emu 6
Dromas Paykull crab-plover 10
Dromococcyx Wied-Neuwied cuckoos 5
Drymodes Gould 1
Drymophila Swainson antbird 6
Dryobates F. Boie woodpecker 29
Dryocopus F. Boie woodpecker 29
Dryolimnas Sharpe rail 2
Dubusia Bonaparte mountain tanager 6
Dumetella C.T. Wood gray catbird 9
Dumetia Blyth babbler 13
Eclectus Wagler parrots 7
Egretta T. Forster Plumed Egrets 75
Elanus Savigny elanine kite 18
Elaphrornis Legge Sri Lanka bush warbler, Ceylon bush warbler, Palliser's warbler 1
Electron Gistel motmot 5
Elminia Bonaparte flycatcher 5
Emarginata Shelley chat 6
Emberiza Linnaeus bunting 121
Emberizoides Temminck grass finch 3
Embernagra R. Lesson finch 2
Emblema Gould 3
Eminia Hartlaub grey-capped warbler 1
Empidonax Cabanis flycatcher 40
Empidornis Rüppell silverbird 4
Enicurus Temminck forktail 19
Ensifera Lesson sword-billed hummingbird 5
Entomyzon Swainson honeyeater 6
Eolophus Bonaparte Galah 5
Eophona Gould grosbeak 6
Eopsaltria Swainson yellow robins 6
Ephippiorhynchus Bonaparte stork 16
Epimachus Cuvier sicklebill 4
Epthianura Gould Australian chat 9
Eremophila F. Boie horned larks 15
Eremopterix Kaup sparrow-lark 6
Eriocnemis Reichenbach puffleg 3
Erithacus Cuvier European robin 10
Erpornis Hodgson erpornis 2
Erythrogenys Baker scimitar babblers 18
Erythrogonys Gould red-kneed dotterel 3
Erythropitta Bonaparte pitta 22
Erythrotriorchis Sharpe 3
Erythrura Swainson Parrotfinches 11
Esacus Lesson Thick-knees 10
Estrilda Swainson 32
Eubucco Bonaparte barbet 12
Eudocimus Wagler White Ibises 24
Eudromias Brehm, CL dotterel, Eurasian dotterel 1
Eudynamys Vigors & Horsfield typical koels 8
Eudyptula Bonaparte penguin 3
Eulabeornis Gould chestnut rail 1
Eulampis F. Boie carib 9
Eulidia Mulsant 1
Eulipoa Ogilvie-Grant Moluccan megapode, Wallace's scrubfowl, Moluccan scrubfowl, painted megapode 1
Eumyias Cabanis blue flycatchers 36
Euneornis Fitzinger Orangequit 4
Euodice Reichenbach 10
Eupetes Temminck rail-babbler, Malaysian rail-babbler 2
Eupetomena Gould hummingbird 8
Euphagus Cassin blackbird 8
Eupherusa Gould hummingbird, woodnymph 13
Euphonia Desmarest euphonia 32
Euplectes Swainson bishops, widowbirds 60
Eupodotis Lesson 9
Eupsittula Bonaparte parakeet 16
Euptilotis Gould eared quetzal 4
Eurocephalus A. Smith white-crowned shrikes 8
Eurylaimus Horsfield broadbill 9
Eurystomus Linnaeus rollers 13
Euschistospiza Wolters 3
Eutoxeres Reichenbach 2
Falcipennis Elliot, DG Siberian grouse 3
Falco Linnaeus Falcons 119
Ficedula Brisson flycatcher 66
Florisuga Bonaparte jacobins 11
Formicarius Boddaert antthrush 7
Foudia Reichenbach fody 12
Francolinus Stephens francolins 7
Fratercula Brisson Puffins 22
Fregata Lacépède Frigatebird 26
Fregetta Bonaparte storm petrel 5
Fringilla Linnaeus chaffinch 45
Fulica Linnaeus coot 30
Fulmarus Stephens Fulmar 11
Fulvetta David & Oustalet typical fulvettas 10
Galerida Boie, F lark 27
Gallicolumba Gmelin green pigeon 13
Gallicrex Blyth watercock 2
Gallinago Brisson Snipe 18
Gallinula Brisson Moorhens 42
Gallirallus Lafresnaye Weka 2
Gallirex Lesson 3
Galloperdix Blyth Asian spurfowl 8
Gallus Brisson Junglefowl 17
Gampsonyx Vigors Pearl kite 1
Gampsorhynchus Blyth babbler 8
Garrodia Forbes, WA grey-backed storm petrel 4
Garrulax Lesson laughingthrush 24
Garrulus Brisson Old World jays, brown jays 16
Gavia Forster Loons, divers 19
Gecinulus Blyth woodpecker 3
Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm tern 7
Geobiastes Sharpe scaly ground roller 1
Geococcyx Wagler roadrunners, chaparral birds, chaparral cocks 13
Geocolaptes Swainson ground woodpecker 4
Geoffroyus Bonaparte 2
Geokichla S. Müller thrush 22
Geophaps G.R. Gray pigeon 16
Geospiza Gould
Geothlypis Cabanis Mourning Warbler 12
Geotrygon Gosse quail-doves 14
Geronticus Wagler 6
Glareola Brisson Pratincoles 34
Glaucestrilda Roberts 5
Glaucidium F. Boie Pygmy owl 42
Glaucis Boie, F 6
Glossopsitta Bonaparte musk lorikeet 5
Gnorimopsar Richmond chopi blackbird 4
Goodfellowia Hartert myna 2
Gorsachius Bonaparte zigzag heron 8
Goura Stephens crowned pigeon 16
Gracula Linnaeus hill myna 9
Gracupica Lesson 20
Grallaria Vieillot antpitta 3
Grallaricula P.L. Sclater antpitta 19
Grammatoptila Reichenbach striated laughingthrush 5
Granatellus Bonaparte chat 4
Granatina Sharpe 6
Grandala Hodgson grandala 10
Graueria Hartert Grauer's warbler 1
Graydidascalus Bonaparte parrot
Grus Brisson 41
Gubernatrix Lesson yellow cardinal 4
Guira Lesson 8
Gulosus Montagu European shag 3
Guttera Wagler guineafowl 6
Gygis Wagler noddies 4
Gymnasio Bonaparte Puerto Rican owl 2
Gymnoderus E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Bare-necked fruitcrow 4
Gymnogyps Lesson 5
Gymnopithys Bonaparte antbird 8
Gymnorhina Gray, GR Australian magpie 10
Gymnorhinus Wied-Neuwied pinyon jay 4
Gymnoris Blyth bush sparrow, petronia 11
Gypaetus Storr 10
Gypohierax Rüppell palm-nut vulture 7
Gyps Savigny griffon vulture 29
Gypsophila Oates babbler 12
Habia Blyth tanager 9
Habroptila Gray, GR invisible rail, Wallace's rail, drummer rail 1
Haematoderus Bonaparte Crimson fruitcrow 1
Haematopus Linnaeus oystercatchers 58
Haematortyx Sharpe crimson-headed partridge 4
Haemorhous Swainson American rosefinch 12
Halcyon Swainson kingfisher 60
Haliaeetus Savigny sea eagle, fish eagle, erne, ern 36
Haliastur Selby 13
Hamirostra Brown 3
Haplophaedia Simon puffleg 7
Harpactes Swainson trogon 45
Harpagus Vigors 4
Harpia Vieillot Harpy eagle 5
Harpyopsis Salvadori Papuan eagle 1
Hedydipna Cabanis sunbirds 13
Heinrichia Stresemann great shortwing
Heleia Hartlaub heleias 5
Heliactin Boie horned sungem 2
Helicolestes Bangs & Penard 2
Heliodoxa Gould brilliant 37
Heliothryx F. Boie fairy 5
Helmitheros Rafinesque Worm-eating Warbler 2
Helopsaltes Alström, Cibois, Irestedt, Zuccon, Gelang, Fjeldså, Andersen, Moyle, Pasquet & Olsson
Hemicircus Swainson woodpecker 10
Hemiphaga Bonaparte pigeon 6
Hemiprocne Nitzsch Treeswift, crested swift 13
Hemipus Hodgson flycatcher-shrike 7
Hemitesia Chapin
Hemithraupis Cabanis tanager 4
Hemixos Blyth bulbul 12
Herpetotheres Vieillot laughing falcon 3
Hesperiphona Bonaparte 8
Heteromunia Mathews 1
Heteromyias Sharpe 4
Heteronetta Salvadori black-headed duck 2
Heterophasia Blyth sibia 25
Heterospingus Ridgway tanager 4
Hieraaetus Kaup eagle 15
Hierococcyx Müller hawk-cuckoo 19
Himantopus Brisson Stilt 36
Himantornis Hartlaub rail 3
Hippolais von Baldenstein warbler 9
Hirundo Linnaeus Barn Swallows 16
Histrionicus Lesson harlequin duck 4
Histurgops Reichenow rufous-tailed weaver 4
Hoploxypterus Bonaparte pied plover, pied lapwing 1
Horizocerus Oberholser 4
Horornis Hodgson warbler 9
Houbaropsis Sharpe 3
Humblotia Humblotia Milne-Edwards & Oustalet, Humblot's flycatcher, Grand Comore flycatcher
Hydrobates F. Boie petrel 14
Hydrocoloeus Kaup Little gull 7
Hydrophasianus Wagler pheasant-tailed jacana 10
Hydroprogne Kaup Caspian tern 3
Hydropsalis Wagler nightjar 7
Hydrornis Blyth pitta 38
Hylocichla Baird wood thrush 5
Hylomanes Lichtenstein, MHC tody motmot 2
Hylopezus Ridgway antpitta 10
Hylophilus Temminck greenlet 13
Hymenops Lesson Spectacled tyrant 5
Hypargos Reichenbach 4
Hypergerus Reichenbach oriole warbler 4
Hypocharmosyna Salvadori lorikeet 4
Hypocryptadius Hartert cinnamon ibon 1
Hypotaenidia Reichenbach rail, woodhen 5
Hypothymis F. Boie monarch 17
Hypsipetes Vigors bulbul 22
Ianthocincla Gould laughingthrush 8
Ibidorhyncha Vigors 6
Ibycter Vieillot red-throated caracara 2
Ichthyaetus Kaup gull 20
Icteria Vieillot yellow-breasted chat 4
Icterus Brisson oriole 39
Icthyophaga Lesson 28
Ictinaetus Blyth Black eagle 5
Ictinia Vieillot 6
Iduna Keyserling & J. H. Blasius 13
Ilicura Reichenbach pin-tailed manakin 3
Incaspiza Ridgway Inca finch 6
Indicator Stephens, honeyguide 4
Irania Filippi white-throated robin 1
Irediparra Mathews comb-crested jacana 3
Irena Horsfield fairy-bluebird 10
Iridophanes Ridgway Golden-collared honeycreeper 2
Iridosornis Lesson tanager 10
Ispidina Kaup kingfisher 5
Ithaginis Wagler blood pheasant, blood partridge 12
Ixobrychus Billberg bitterns 42
Ixoreus Bonaparte varied thrush 12
Ixos Temminck bulbul 4
Ixothraupis Bonaparte tanager 10
Jabiru Hellmayr jabiru 6
Jacana Brisson jacanas 12
Jubula Bates maned owl 1
Junco Wagler sparrow 25
Jynx Linnaeus woodpecker 9
Kaupifalco Bonaparte lizard buzzard, lizard hawk 5
Kenopia G.R. Gray striped wren-babbler 2
Ketupa Lesson eagle-owl 11
Klais Reichenbach violet-headed hummingbird 2
Kurochkinegramma Kashain purple-naped sunbird 2
Lacedo Reichenbach banded kingfisher 2
Lafresnaya Bonaparte Mountain velvetbreast 4
Lagonosticta Cabanis firefinch 22
Lagopus Brisson ptarmigans 25
Lamprotornis emminck 64
Laniarius Vieillot boubou, gonolek 23
Laniellus Swainson crocias
Lanius Linnaeus shrikes 97
Larosterna Blyth Inca tern 7
Larus Linnaeus gull 110
Larvivora Hodgson East and South-East Asian robins 11
Laterallus Gray, G.R. crake 20
Lathamus Lesson swift parrot 2
Leiopicus Bonaparte yellow-crowned woodpecker 9
Leioptila Blyth rufous-backed sibia 1
Leiothlypis Sangster warbler 19
Leiothrix Swainson 29
Leipoa Gould malleefowl 2
Leistes Vigors meadowlark 16
Leonardina Mearns Bagobo babbler, Bagobo robin 1
Lepidopygia Reichenbach 1
Lepidothrix Bonaparte manakin 12
Leptocoma Cabanis sunbirds 30
Leptopoecile Severtzov tit-warblers 8
Leptoptilos Lesson, RP stork, adjutant 18
Leptotrygon Banks et al. olive-backed quail-dove
Lerwa Hodgson snow partridge 5
Lessonia Swainson negrito 4
Leucippus Bonaparte buffy hummingbird 3
Leucocarbo Bonaparte cormorant, shag 40
Leucochloris Reichenbach white-throated hummingbird 6
Leucogeranus Bonaparte Siberian crane 2
Leuconotopicus Malherbe woodpecker 13
Leucopeza Sclater Semper's warbler 1
Leucophaeus Bruch gull 25
Leucopsar Stresemann Bali myna, Rothschild's mynah, Bali starling, Bali mynah 7
Leucoptilon Sangster et al. white-tailed flycatcher
Leucosticte Swainson mountain finch 16
Lewinia Gray, GR rail 4
Limnodromus Wied-Neuwied dowitcher 10
Limnothlypis Stone Swainson's Warbler 3
Limosa Brisson Godwit 25
Linaria Bechstein twite, linnet 17
Linurgus Reichenbach oriole finch 2
Liocichla Swinhoe liocichla 9
Lioparus Oates golden-breasted fulvetta 3
Lipaugus F. Boie piha, cotinga 15
Lissotis Reichenbach 4
Locustella Kaup bush warbler 10
Loddigesia Bonaparte Marvelous Spatuletail 5
Lonchura Sykes Munias, mannikins 61
Lophaetus Kaup 6
Lophoceros Hemprich & Ehrenberg hornbill 18
Lophodytes Reichenbach hooded merganser 10
Lophoictinia Kaup 3
Lophonetta Riley crested duck, South American crested duck 3
Lophophanes Kaup 8
Lophophorus Temminck monal 17
Lophorina Vieillot riflebird 3
Lophornis Lesson 23
Lophospingus Cabanis finch 3
Lophostrix Lesson crested owl 2
Lophotibis Reichenbach 1
Lophotis Reichenbach 4
Lophotriorchis Sharpe Rufous-bellied eagle 5
Lophura Fleming Gallopheasant 45
Loriculus Blyth 6
Loxia L. Crossbill 11
Loxigilla R. Lesson bullfinch 5
Loxipasser Bryant yellow-shouldered grassquit
Lurocalis Cassin nighthawk 2
Luscinia T. Forster nightingales and relatives, Rubythroats 22
Lybius Hermann barbet 16
Lymnocryptes F. Boie jack snipe 68
Lyncornis Gould eared nightjar 3
Lyrurus Swainson black grouse 6
Machaeropterus Bonaparte manakin 8
Macheiramphus Bonaparte Bat hawk 2
Machlolophus Cabanis 13
Macrocephalon Müller, S maleo 2
Macronus Jardine & Selby tit-babbler 3
Macronyx Swainson longclaw 20
Macropygia Swainson typical cuckoo-dove 23
Malacocincla Blyth babbler 4
Malcorus A. Smith rufous-eared warbler 3
Malia Schlegel malia 2
Malimbus Vieillot malimbes 6
Malurus Vieillot fairywren 43
Manacus Brisson manakin 17
Mandingoa Hartert 5
Manorina Vieillot miner 8
Mareca Stephens wigeon 32
Margarobyas Olson & Suárez bare-legged owl 3
Margaroperdix Reichenbach Madagascar partridge 2
Margarops P.L. Sclater pearly-eyed thrasher 2
Marmaronetta Reichenbach marbled duck, marbled teal 4
Masius Bonaparte Golden-winged manakin 5
Mayrimunia Wolters mannikin
Megaceryle Kaup kingfisher 29
Megacrex D'Albertis & Salvadori New Guinea flightless rail, Papuan flightless rail 1
Megadyptes Milne-Edwards penguin 5
Megalurus Horsfield striated grassbird 3
Megarynchus Thunberg boat-billed flycatcher 6
Megascops Kaup screech owl 6
Megatriorchis Salvadori & D'Albertis Doria's goshawk, Doria's hawk 1
Meiglyptes Swainson woodpecker 6
Melaenornis G.R. Gray flycatcher 13
Melanerpes Swainson woodpecker 93
Melaniparus Bonaparte 12
Melanitta F. Boie scoters 19
Melanochlora Lesson 4
Melanocichla Sharpe laughingthrush 2
Melanocorypha F. Boie 10
Melanodryas Gould 3
Melanoperdix Jerdon black partridge
Melanoptila P.L. Sclater black catbird 4
Melanospiza Ridgway 3
Melanotis Bonaparte mockingbird 4
Meleagris Linnaeus turkeys 10
Melidectes P.L. Sclater melidectes 2
Melidora Lesson kingfisher 1
Melierax G.R. Gray goshawk 15
Melithreptus Vieillot honeyeater 8
Mellisuga Brisson 5
Melopsittacus Gould budgerigar, common parakeet, shell parakeet, budgie 3
Melopyrrha Bonaparte bullfinch 4
Melospiza Baird sparrow 11
Melozone Reichenbach towhee, ground sparrow 8
Menelikornis Boetticher turaco 7
Mentocrex Peters, JL forest rail
Menura Latham lyrebird 5
Mergellus Selby smew 7
Mergus Linnaeus typical merganser 22
Meropogon Bonaparte purple-bearded bee-eater, Celebes bee-eater 1
Merops Linnaeus bee-eaters 105
Mesembrinibis J. L. Peters 1
Metopidius Wagler bronze-winged jacana 8
Micrastur G.R. Gray Forest falcon 9
Micrathene Coues elf owl 3
Microbates P.L. Sclater & Salvin gnatwren 2
Microcarbo Bonaparte cormorant 21
Microchera Gould streamertails 10
Microdynamis Salvadori dwarf koel
Microeca Gould flyrobins 3
Microhierax Sharpe typical falconets 20
Micronisus G.R. Gray gabar goshawk 5
Microparra Cabanis lesser jacana 2
Micropsitta Lesson Pygmy parrots
Micropternus Blyth rufous woodpecker 7
Micropygia Bonaparte ocellated crake 1
Microspizias Sangster, Kirwan, Fuchs, Dickinson, Elliott & Gregory, S 2
Microstilbon Todd 4
Milvago Spix caracara 10
Milvus Lacépède 26
Mimus F. Boie mockingbird 51
Minla Hodgson red-tailed minla 4
Mino Lesson myna 7