List of genera .

Fungi genera

Genera of the Fungi

Genus #images
Macrocybe Pegler & Lodge 2
Macrocystidia Joss. 8
Marasmiellus Murrill 5
Marasmius Fr. 40
Megacollybia Kotl. & Pouzar 8
Microstoma (fungus) Bernstein 6
Moniliophthora H.C.Evans, Stalpers, Samson & Benny 1
Mucilopilus Wolfe
Mucronella Fr. 4
Multiclavula R.H.Petersen 6
Multifurca Buyck & V. Hofst.
Mutinus (Huds.) Fr. 12
Mycena (Pers.) Roussel 84
Mycetinis Earle 6
Mycoamaranthus Castellano, Trappe & Malajczuk