List of genera .

Orchidaceae genera

Genera of the Orchidaceae

Browse Detailed list
Genus #images
Lacaena Lindl. 4
Laelia Lindl. 477
Lemurella Schltr. 15
Lemurorchis Kraenzl. 2
Leochilus Knowles & Westc. 20
Lepanthes Sw. 3465
Lepanthopsis (Cogn.) Ames 133
Leptotes Lindl. 89
Limodorum Boehm. 25
Liparis Rich. 345
Listrostachys Rchb.f. 1
Lockhartia Hook. 85
Lockia Aver.
Loefgrenianthus Hoehne 4
Lueckelia Jenny
Lueddemannia Linden & Rchb.f. 10
Luisia Gaudich. 163
Lycaste Lindl. 642
Lycomormium Rchb.f. 11