List of genera .

Orchidaceae genera

Genera of the Orchidaceae

Browse Detailed list
Genus #images
Pabstia Garay 25
Pabstiella Brieger & Senghas 586
Pachystoma Blume 4
Palmorchis Barb.Rodr.
Panisea (Lindl.) Lindl.
Paphinia Lindl. 86
Papilanthopsis J.M.H.Shaw
Papilionanthe Schltr. 459
Papillilabium Dockrill
Paradisanthus Rchb.f. 5
Paralophia P.J.Cribb & Hermans
Paraphalaenopsis A.D.Hawkes 186
Pelatantheria Ridl. 57
Pendusalpinx Karremans & Mel.Fernández 35
Penkimia Phukan & Odyuo
Pennilabium J.J.Sm. 12
Peristeranthus T.E.Hunt 8
Peristeria Hook. 68
Perreiraara Perreira & Wreford 91
Pescatoria Rchb.f. 98
Phaius Lour. 119
Phalaenopsis Blume 10677
Phalaentoma 2
Phloeophila Hoehne & Schltr. 14
Pholidota Lindl. 3
Phragmorchis L.O.Williams
Phreatia Lindl. 29
Phymatidium Lindl. 32
Pilophyllum Schltr. 10
Pinalia Lindl. 359
Platyrhiza Barb.Rodr. 9
Platystele Schltr. 447
Plectorrhiza Dockrill 15
Plectrelminthus Raf. 10
Plectrophora H.Focke 15
Pleione D.Don 464
Pleurothallis R.Br. 2089
Pleurothallopsis Porto & Brade 71
Plocoglottis Blume 32
Poaephyllum Ridl. 5
Podangis Schltr. 14
Podochilus Blume 32
Polycycnis Rchb.f. 21
Polyotidium Garay
Polystachya Hook. 178
Pomatocalpa Breda 80
Ponera Lindl.
Porpax Lindl. 131
Porphyroglottis Ridl. 8
Porroglossum Schltr. 355
Porrorhachis Garay 4
Promenaea Lindl. 99
Prosthechea Knowles & Westc. 541
Pseuderia Schltr. 3
Pseudolaelia Porto & Brade 17
Psilochilus Barb.Rodr. 8
Psychilis Raf. 62
Psychopsiella Lückel & Braem 17
Psychopsis Raf. 132
Psytonia J.M.H.Shaw 15
Pteroceras Hasselt ex Hassk. 65
Pterostemma Kraenzl. 2
Pupulinia Karremans & Bogarín 1
Pygmaeorchis Brade