List of genera .

Orchidaceae genera

Genera of the Orchidaceae

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Genus #images
Aenhenrya Gopalan
Anoectochilus Blume 72
Aspidogyne Garay 57
Bidoupia Ormerod & Duy
Chamaegastrodia Makino & F.Maek.
Cheirostylis Blume 51
Cystorchis Blume 21
Danhatchia Garay & Christenson
Dossinia C.Morren 18
Erythrodes Blume 7
Eurycentrum Schltr. 1
Gonatostylis Schltr.
Goodyera R.Br. 139
Halleorchis Szlach. & Olszewski
Herpysma Lindl. 7
Hetaeria Blume 8
Hylophila Lindl.
Kreodanthus Garay
Kuhlhasseltia J.J.Sm.
Lepidogyne Blume
Ludisia A.Rich. 37
Macodes Lindl. 35
Microchilus C.Presl 30
Myrmechis Blume 8
Odontochilus Blume 52
Orchipedum Breda
Pachyplectron Schltr.
Papuaea Schltr.
Platylepis A.Rich.
Rhomboda Lindl. 8
Schuitemania Ormerod
Stephanothelys Garay
Vrydagzynea Blume 12
Zeuxine Lindl. 70