List of Gesneriaceae genera .

Other genera

Genera of the Plantae (except Orchidaceae) family Gesneriaceae

Genus #images
Aeschynanthus Jack 24
Chayamaritia D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller 6
Damrongia Kerr ex Craib 2
Didymocarpus Raf. 6
Henckelia Spreng. 6
Microchirita (C.B.Clarke) Yin Z.Wang 17
Oreocharis Benth. 6
Ornithoboea Parish ex C.B.Clarke 4
Petrocosmea Oliv. 16
Ramonda Rich. 9
Rhynchoglossum Blume 10
Ridleyandra A.Weber & B.L.Burtt 1