List of Ranunculaceae genera .

Other genera

Genera of the Plantae (except Orchidaceae) family Ranunculaceae

Genus #images
Adonis L. 17
Anemoclema (Franch.) W.T.Wang
Anemonastrum Holub 6
Anemone L. 45
Anemonoides Mill. 23
Asteropyrum J.R.Drumm. & Hutch.
Barneoudia Gay
Calathodes Hook.f. & Thomson
Callianthemoides Tamura 5
Callianthemum C.A.Mey. 5
Caltha L. 4
Clematis L. 198
Eriocapitella Nakai
Halerpestes Greene 1
Hamadryas Comm. 2
Hepatica Mill. 24
Knowltonia Salisb.
Megaleranthis Ohwi
Metanemone W.T.Wang
Oxygraphis Bunge
Paroxygraphis W.W.Sm.
Pulsatilla Mill. 56
Ranunculus L. 180
Trautvetteria Fisch. & C.A.Mey. 5
Trollius L. 28