List of species

List of species or hybrid of animalia category

List of Animalia
in the family

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Calopteryx aequabilis Say 1
Calopteryx virgo Linnaeus 7
Calopteryx splendens Harris 6
Calopteryx japonica Selys 1
Calopteryx xanthostoma Charpentier 3
Calopteryx atrata 1
Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis Vander Linden 4
Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis occasi Capra 1
Calopteryx cornelia Sélys 2
Calopteryx amata Hagen 1
Calopteryx angustipennis Selys 1
Calopteryx dimidiata Burmeister 1
Calopteryx intermedia Selys 1
Calopteryx maculata Palisot de Beauvois 2
Calopteryx samarcandica Bartenev 1
Calopteryx syriaca Rambur 1