List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Species Common Name #images
Aythya valisineria Wilson Canvasback 5
Aythya americana Eyton Redhead 5
Aythya collaris Donovan Ring-necked duck 4
Aythya fuligula Linnaeus Tufted duck, tufted pochard 5
Aythya marila Linnaeus Greater scaup 2
Aythya affinis Eyton Lesser scaup, little bluebill, broadbill 4
Aythya ferina Linnaeus Common pochard 5
Aythya australis Eyton hardhead, white-eyed duck 3
Aythya baeri Radde Baer's pochard 2
Aythya nyroca Güldenstädt Ferruginous duck, ferruginous pochard, common white-eye, white-eyed pochard 3
Aythya innotata Salvadori Madagascar pochard, Madagascan pochard 2
Aythya novaeseelandiae Gmelin New Zealand scaup 2