List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Egretta picata Gould Pied heron 1
Egretta novaehollandiae Latham White-faced heron 7
Egretta rufescens Gmelin Reddish egret 14
Egretta ardesiaca Wagler Black heron 3
Egretta vinaceigula Sharpe Slaty egret 2
Egretta tricolor Statius Muller Tricolored heron, Louisiana heron 15
Egretta caerulea Linnaeus Little blue heron 4
Egretta thula Molina Snowy egret 10
Egretta garzetta Linnaeus Little egret 7
Egretta gularis Bosc Western reef heron 5
Egretta dimorpha Hartert Dimorphic egret 2
Egretta sacra Gmelin Pacific reef heron, Pacific reef egret, eastern reef heron 3
Egretta eulophotes Swinhoe Chinese egret 2