List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Empidonax flaviventris Baird, WM & Baird, SF Yellow-bellied flycatcher 4
Empidonax virescens Vieillot Acadian flycatcher 3
Empidonax alnorum Brewster Alder flycatcher 2
Empidonax traillii Audubon Willow flycatcher 3
Empidonax albigularis Sclater, PL & Salvin White-throated flycatcher 2
Empidonax minimus Baird, WM & Baird, SF Least flycatcher, chebec, chebecker 4
Empidonax hammondii Xántus, J Hammond's flycatcher 2
Empidonax wrightii S.F. Baird American grey flycatcher, American gray flycatcher, grey flycatcher 2
Empidonax oberholseri Phillips, AR American dusky flycatcher, dusky flycatcher 3
Empidonax affinis Swainson Pine flycatcher 2
Empidonax difficilis Baird Western flycatcher, Pacific-slope flycatcher 4
Empidonax flavescens Lawrence Yellowish flycatcher 3
Empidonax fulvifrons Giraud Buff-breasted flycatcher 2
Empidonax atriceps Salvin Black-capped flycatcher 3
Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern willow flycatcher 1