List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Poecile superciliosus Przewalski White-browed tit 1
Poecile lugubris Temminck Sombre tit 1
Poecile cinctus Boddaert Grey-headed chickadee, Siberian tit 1
Poecile rufescens Townsend Chestnut-backed chickadee 1
Poecile hudsonicus Forster Boreal chickadee 1
Poecile sclateri Kleinschmidt Mexican chickadee 2
Poecile carolinensis Audubon Carolina chickadee 4
Poecile atricapillus Linnaeus Black-capped chickadee 10
Poecile gambeli Ridgway Mountain chickadee 1
Poecile davidi Berezowski and Bianchi Père David's tit 1
Poecile hypermelaenus Berezowski and Bianchi Black-bibbed tit 1
Poecile palustris Linnaeus Marsh tit 2
Poecile weigoldicus Kleinschmidt & Weigold Sichuan tit 1
Poecile hyrcanus Zarudny & Loudon Caspian tit 1
Poecile montanus Conrad von Baldenstein Willow tit 1