List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Tringa brevipes Vieillot grey-tailed tattler, Siberian tattler, Polynesian tattler 2
Tringa ochropus Linnaeus Green Sandpiper 2
Tringa totanus Linnaeus Common Redshank 8
Tringa glareola Linnaeus Wood Sandpiper 9
Tringa stagnatilis Bechstein Marsh Sandpiper 3
Tringa nebularia Gunnerus Common Greenshank 5
Tringa solitaria Wilson solitary sandpiper 1
Tringa incana Gmelin, JF Wandering tattler 2
Tringa erythropus Pallas spotted redshank 5
Tringa melanoleuca Gmelin, JF greater yellowlegs 5
Tringa semipalmata Gmelin, JF willet 7
Tringa flavipes Gmelin, JF lesser yellowlegs 2
Tringa guttifer Nordmann Nordmann's greenshank, spotted greenshank 3