List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Turdus merula Linnaeus common blackbird, Eurasian blackbird, blackbird, 6
Turdus merula intermedius Richmond, CW Chinese Blackbird 2
Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus Mistle Thrush 2
Turdus viscivorus bonapartei Cabanis Mistle Thrush 1
Turdus litsitsirupa Smith groundscraper thrush 1
Turdus simensis Rüppell Ethiopian thrush 1
Turdus mupinensis Laubmann Chinese thrush 1
Turdus philomelos Brehm song thrush 8
Turdus pelios Bonaparte African thrush, West African thrush 2
Turdus xanthorhynchus Salvadori Príncipe thrush 1
Turdus abyssinicus J. F. Gmelin Abyssinian thrush, African mountain thrush, northern olive thrush 2
Turdus roehli Reichenow Usambara thrush, Roehl's thrush, Usambara olive thrush 1
Turdus olivaceus Linnaeus Olive thrush 2
Turdus libonyana Smith Kurrichane thrush 1
Turdus tephronotus Cabanis Bare-eyed thrush 4
Turdus smithi Bonaparte Karoo thrush, Smith's thrush 2
Turdus mandarinus Bonaparte Chinese blackbird 3
Turdus iliacus Linnaeus Redwing 6
Turdus niveiceps Hellmayr Taiwan thrush 2
Turdus boulboul Latham Grey-winged blackbird 3
Turdus simillimus Jerdon Indian blackbird 1
Turdus unicolor Tickell Tickell's thrush 1
Turdus dissimilis Blyth Black-breasted thrush 2
Turdus cardis Temminck Japanese thrush, grey thrush, Japanese grey thrush 2
Turdus hortulorum Sclater, PL Grey-backed thrush 2
Turdus obscurus Gmelin Eyebrowed thrush 2
Turdus pallidus Gmelin, JF Pale thrush 4
Turdus feae Salvadori Grey-sided thrush 1
Turdus chrysolaus Temminck Brown-headed thrush, brown thrush 2
Turdus celaenops Stejneger Izu thrush 1
Turdus poliocephalus Latham Island thrush 4
Turdus poliocephalus stresemanni M. Bartels Jr Island thrush 1
Turdus poliocephalus poliocephalus Latham Island thrush
Turdus poliocephalus carbonarius Mayr & Gilliard Island thrush 1
Turdus maximus Seebohm Tibetan blackbird 3
Turdus pilaris Linnaeus Fieldfare 10
Turdus torquatus Linnaeus ring ouzel 1
Turdus torquatus torquatus Linnaeus northern ring ouzel 2
Turdus torquatus alpestris Brehm, C L Alpine ring ouzel 1
Turdus torquatus amicorum Hartert E Caucasian ring ouzel 1
Turdus migratorius Linnaeus American robin 8
Turdus naumanni Temminck Naumann's thrush 4
Turdus grayi Bonaparte Clay-colored robin, clay-colored thrush 3
Turdus grayi megas Clay-colored robin, clay-colored thrush 2
Turdus grayi casius Clay-colored robin, clay-colored thrush 1
Turdus atrogularis Jarocki black-throated thrush 6