List of species

List of species or hybrid of aves category

List of Aves
in the family

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Zosterops palpebrosus Temminck Indian white-eyes, Oriental white-eye 8
Zosterops palpebrosus egregius Temminck Indian white-eyes, Oriental white-eye 2
Zosterops palpebrosus williamsoni Temminck Indian white-eyes, Oriental white-eye 1
Zosterops japonicus Temminck and Schlegel Japanese White-eye, warbling white-eye, mountain white-eye 6
Zosterops japonicus japonicus Temminck and Schlegel Japanese White-eye, warbling white-eye, mountain white-eye 1
Zosterops poliogastrus Heuglin Heuglin's white-eye, Ethiopian white-eye, Montane White-eyes 1
Zosterops maderaspatanus Linnaeus Madagascar White-eye, Malagasy white-eye 1
Zosterops stuhlmanni Reichenow Green White-eye 3
Zosterops nigrorum Tweeddale Yellowish White-eye, golden-yellow white-eye 2
Zosterops lateralis Reichenow Silvereye, Wax-eye, Tauhou 4
Zosterops lateralis chloronotus Gould western silvereye 3
Zosterops atricapilla Salvadori Black-capped White-eye
Zosterops atricapilla atricapilla Salvadori Black-capped White-eye 1
Zosterops atrifrons Ogilvie-Grant Black-fronted White-eye, Black-crowned white-eye 2
Zosterops auriventer Hume Hume's white-eye 1
Zosterops chloronothos Vieillot Mauritian white-eye, Mauritian olive White-eye 3
Zosterops mauritianus JF Gmelin Mauritius grey white-eye 3
Zosterops olivaceus Linnaeus RĂ©union olive white-eye 1
Zosterops poliogastrus eurycricotus Heuglin's white-eye, Ethiopian white-eye, Montane White-eyes 2
Zosterops borbonicus Pennant RĂ©union grey white-eye 1
Zosterops poliogastrus kikuyuensis Heuglin's white-eye, Ethiopian white-eye, Montane White-eyes 3
Zosterops wallacei Yellow-ringed White-eye 1
Zosterops finschii Hartlaub Dusky White-eye 1
Zosterops pallidus Swainson Cape White-eye, Orange River white-eye
Zosterops pallidus capensis Swainson Cape White-eye 1
Zosterops simplex R. Swinhoe Swinhoe's white-eye 2
Zosterops chloris Bonaparte lemon-bellied white-eye, Yellow-bellied White-eye