List of Orchidaceae species

List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Agrostophyllum acutum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum amboinense J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum appendiculoides Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum aristatum Kores
Agrostophyllum arundinaceum (syn.) Ridl. Accepted: Agrostophyllum cyathiforme
Agrostophyllum atrovirens J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum bicuspidatum (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. bicuspidatum
Agrostophyllum biflorum (syn.) Ridl. Accepted: Agrostophyllum uniflorum
Agrostophyllum bilobolabellatum Gilli
Agrostophyllum bimaculatum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum brachiatum J.J.Sm. section: Agrostophyllum 2
Agrostophyllum brachiatum var. brachiatum
Agrostophyllum brachiatum var. latibrachiatum J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum brevipes King & Pantl. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum callosum Rchb.f. section: Agrostophyllum 2
Agrostophyllum celebicum (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. stipulatum
Agrostophyllum compressum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum confusum (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. stipulatum
Agrostophyllum congestum (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Agrostophyllum superpositum
Agrostophyllum costatum (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum elongatum
Agrostophyllum costatum var. concavum (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Agrostophyllum elongatum
Agrostophyllum crassicaule Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum crassicaule var. bismarckiense Schltr.
Agrostophyllum crassicaule var. crassicaule
Agrostophyllum curvilabre J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum curvum (syn.) Ridl. Accepted: Agrostophyllum superpositum
Agrostophyllum cyathiforme J.J.Sm. section: Agrostophyllum 1
Agrostophyllum cyathiforme var. sumatranum (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum cyathiforme
Agrostophyllum cycloglossum Schltr.
Agrostophyllum cyclopense J.J.Sm. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum denbergeri (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum majus
Agrostophyllum dischorense Schltr. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum djaratense Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum dolichophyllum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum drakeanum (syn.) Kraenzl. Accepted: Earina valida
Agrostophyllum earinoides Schltr. section: Dolichodesme 3
Agrostophyllum elatum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum elmeri Ames
Agrostophyllum elongatum (Ridl.) Schuit. section: Appendiculopsis 1
Agrostophyllum fibrosum J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum finisterrae (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Agrostophyllum torricellense
Agrostophyllum flavidum Phukan
Agrostophyllum formosanum Rolfe
Agrostophyllum fragrans Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum globiceps Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum globigerum Ames & C.Schweinf.
Agrostophyllum glumaceum Hook.f. section: Agrostophyllum 9
Agrostophyllum graminifolium Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum 5
Agrostophyllum grandiflorum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum hasseltii (syn.) Rchb.f. Accepted: Agrostophyllum planicaule
Agrostophyllum indifferens (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum majus
Agrostophyllum inocephalum (Schauer) Ames
Agrostophyllum javanicum Blume section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum kaniense Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum khasianum (syn.) Griff. Accepted: Agrostophyllum planicaule
Agrostophyllum kusaiense Tuyama
Agrostophyllum lamellatum J.J.Sm. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum lampongense J.J.Sm. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum laterale J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum latilobum J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum laxum J.J.Sm. section: Agrostophyllum 2
Agrostophyllum leucocephalum Schltr.
Agrostophyllum leytense Ames
Agrostophyllum longifolium (Blume) Rchb.f. section: Agrostophyllum 2
Agrostophyllum longivaginatum Ames
Agrostophyllum luzonense Ames & Quisumb.
Agrostophyllum macrocephalum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum majus Hook.f. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum malindangense Ames
Agrostophyllum mearnsii (syn.) Ames Accepted: Agrostophyllum globiceps
Agrostophyllum megalurum Rchb.f. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum merrillii Ames
Agrostophyllum mindanense Ames section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum montanum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum 2
Agrostophyllum mucronatum J.J.Sm. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum myrianthum King & Pantl.
Agrostophyllum neoguinense Kittr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum niveum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum occidentale Schltr.
Agrostophyllum oliganthum (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Agrostophyllum uniflorum
Agrostophyllum palawense (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Agrostophyllum elongatum
Agrostophyllum paniculatum J.J.Sm. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum papuanum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum parviflorum J.J.Sm. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum patentissimum J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum pauciflorum (syn.) Hook.f. Accepted: Poaephyllum pauciflorum
Agrostophyllum pelorioides Schltr.
Agrostophyllum pendulatum (syn.) P.Royen Accepted: Glomera palustris
Agrostophyllum philippinense Ames
Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall. ex Lindl.) Rchb.f. section: Agrostophyllum 6
Agrostophyllum potamophilum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum reineckeanum (syn.) Kraenzl. Accepted: Glomera montana
Agrostophyllum rigidifolium Ridl.
Agrostophyllum saccatilabium Ames & Quisumb. 2
Agrostophyllum saccatum Ridl.
Agrostophyllum sepikanum Schltr.
Agrostophyllum seychellarum (syn.) Rolfe Accepted: Agrostophyllum occidentale
Agrostophyllum simile Schltr.
Agrostophyllum spicatum Schltr. section: Dolichodesme 5
Agrostophyllum stenophyllum Schltr. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum stipulatum (Griff.) Schltr. section: Appendiculopsis 18
Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. bicuspidatum (J.J.Sm.) Schuit.
Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. stipulatum
Agrostophyllum sumatranum Schltr. & J.J.Sm. section: Appendiculopsis
Agrostophyllum sumatranum var. borneense (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum sumatranum
Agrostophyllum superpositum Schltr. section: Oliganthe
Agrostophyllum tenue (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum javanicum
Agrostophyllum torricellense Schltr. section: Dolichodesme
Agrostophyllum trifidum Schltr. section: Appendiculopsis 2
Agrostophyllum uniflorum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum vanhulstijnii J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum ventricosum J.J.Sm.
Agrostophyllum verruciferum Schltr. section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum wenzelii (syn.) Ames Accepted: Agrostophyllum glumaceum
Agrostophyllum zeylanicum Hook.f.
Agrostophyllum grubbianum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum cyatheicola Schuit. & de Vogel
Agrostophyllum reichenbachii (syn.) J.J.Sm. Accepted: Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. bicuspidatum
Agrostophyllum militare Ormerod
Agrostophyllum milneanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum nidus-avis Ormerod
Agrostophyllum subacuminatum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum triquetrum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum kairoanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum isuaravum (syn.) Ormerod Accepted: Agrostophyllum papuanum
Agrostophyllum daymanense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum crassilabium Ormerod
Agrostophyllum beleense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum atrobrunneum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum habbemense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum flexuosum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum alticola Ormerod
Agrostophyllum asahanense Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum pseudolaxum (syn.) Ormerod Accepted: Agrostophyllum laxum
Agrostophyllum maliauense Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum galeandrae Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum boeeanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum woitapense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. telefominense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum reeveanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. peloricum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum longinode Ormerod
Agrostophyllum huonense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum grubbianum subsp. kaironkense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum carrianum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum kerenganum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum wagiribuanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. flexuosum
Agrostophyllum grubbianum subsp. grubbianum
Agrostophyllum libanoanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum korubunense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum spinuliferum subsp. misoense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum spinuliferum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum lisowskii Ormerod
Agrostophyllum graminifolium subsp. rotundilabium Ormerod
Agrostophyllum brassii Ormerod
Agrostophyllum barkeri Ormerod
Agrostophyllum graminifolium subsp. graminifolium
Agrostophyllum spinuliferum subsp. spinuliferum
Agrostophyllum emwoodiae Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum vulcanicum Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum urdanetae Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum loheri Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum inflatum Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum agusanense (syn.) Ormerod Accepted: Agrostophyllum majus
Agrostophyllum dewildeorum Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum edanoanum Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum bialatum Ormerod section: Agrostophyllum
Agrostophyllum gahavisukae Ormerod
Agrostophyllum arabukanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum acuminatum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum clausum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum cheirophyton Ormerod
Agrostophyllum montis-jayanum Ormerod
Agrostophyllum yanemense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum carex Ormerod
Agrostophyllum mangkutanae Ormerod
Agrostophyllum dicksoniae Ormerod
Agrostophyllum ambangense Ormerod
Agrostophyllum ridleyanum Ormerod