List of Orchidaceae species

List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Cycnoches aureum Lindl. & Paxton section: Heteranthae 5
Cycnoches barthiorum G.F.Carr & Christenson section: Heteranthae 14
Cycnoches bennettii Dodson section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches brachydactylon Schltr.
Cycnoches carrii Christenson section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches chlorochilon Klotzsch section: Eucycnoches 17
Cycnoches christensonii D.E.Benn. section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches cooperi Rolfe section: Heteranthae 38
Cycnoches cooperi subsp. ayacuchoensis D.E.Benn. & Christenson
Cycnoches cooperi subsp. cooperi
Cycnoches dianae Rchb.f. section: Heteranthae 10
Cycnoches egertonianum Bateman section: Heteranthae 17
Cycnoches egertonianum var. viride Lindl.
Cycnoches farnsworthianum D.E.Benn. & Christenson section: Eucycnoches 3
Cycnoches glanduliferum Rolfe section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches guttulatum Schltr. section: Heteranthae 9
Cycnoches haagii Barb.Rodr. section: Eucycnoches 18
Cycnoches herrenhusanum Jenny & G.A.Romero section: Heteranthae 14
Cycnoches jarae Dodson & D.E.Benn. section: Heteranthae 2
Cycnoches lehmannii Rchb.f. section: Eucycnoches 7
Cycnoches loddigesii Lindl. section: Eucycnoches 19
Cycnoches lusiae G.A.Romero & Garay
Cycnoches maculatum Lindl. section: Heteranthae 8
Cycnoches manoelae P.Castro & Campacci section: Heteranthae 5
Cycnoches pachydactylon Schltr. section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches pentadactylon Lindl. section: Heteranthae 33
Cycnoches peruvianum Rolfe section: Heteranthae 19
Cycnoches powellii Schltr. section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches quatuorcristis D.E.Benn.
Cycnoches rossianum Rolfe
Cycnoches schmidtianum Christenson & G.F.Carr section: Heteranthae 2
Cycnoches stenodactylon Schltr. section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches suarezii Dodson section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches thurstoniorum Dodson section: Heteranthae
Cycnoches ventricosum Bateman section: Eucycnoches 2
Cycnoches warszewiczii Rchb.f. section: Eucycnoches 17
Cycnoches cooperi var. villenae G.F.Carr & A.Prieto
Cycnoches egertonianum var. egertonianum section: Heteranthae 2