List of Orchidaceae species

List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Diaphananthe acuta (syn.) (Ridl.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe adoxa (syn.) F.N.Rasm. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum adoxum
Diaphananthe alfredii (syn.) Geerinck Accepted: Kylicanthe rohrii
Diaphananthe arbonnieri (syn.) Geerinck Accepted: Rhipidoglossum arbonnieri
Diaphananthe ashantensis (syn.) (Lindl.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe bidens (Afzel. ex Sw.) Schltr. 4
Diaphananthe bilobata (syn.) (Summerh.) F.N.Rasm. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum bilobatum
Diaphananthe brevifolia (syn.) (Summerh.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum brevifolium
Diaphananthe bueae (syn.) (Schltr.) Schltr. Accepted: Kylicanthe bueae
Diaphananthe burttii (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum burttii
Diaphananthe caffra (syn.) (Bolus) H.P.Linder Accepted: Rhipidoglossum caffrum
Diaphananthe candida (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Rhipidoglossum candidum
Diaphananthe ceriflora J.B.Petersen
Diaphananthe congolensis (syn.) (De Wild.) Summerh. Accepted: Diaphananthe divitiflora
Diaphananthe cuneata (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum cuneatum
Diaphananthe curvata (syn.) (Rolfe) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum curvatum
Diaphananthe delepierreana (syn.) J.-P.Lebel & Geerinck Accepted: Rhipidoglossum delepierreanum
Diaphananthe densiflora (syn.) (Summerh.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum densiflorum
Diaphananthe divitiflora (Kraenzl.) Schltr.
Diaphananthe dorotheae (Rendle) Summerh.
Diaphananthe eggelingii P.J.Cribb
Diaphananthe erectocalcarata (syn.) (De Wild.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum rutilum
Diaphananthe falcata (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe fragrantissima
Diaphananthe fimbriata (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe fragrantissima
Diaphananthe fragrantissima (Rchb.f.) Schltr. 1
Diaphananthe garayana Szlach. & Olszewski
Diaphananthe globulosocalcarata (syn.) (De Wild.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum globulosocalcaratum
Diaphananthe kamerunensis (syn.) (Schltr.) Schltr. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum kamerunense
Diaphananthe kirkii (syn.) (Rolfe) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe fragrantissima
Diaphananthe laticalcar (syn.) J.B.Hall Accepted: Rhipidoglossum laticalcar
Diaphananthe laxiflora (syn.) (Summerh.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum laxiflorum
Diaphananthe longicalcar (syn.) (Summerh.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum longicalcar
Diaphananthe lorifolia Summerh.
Diaphananthe margaritae (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum rutilum
Diaphananthe meliantha (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Rhipidoglossum melianthum
Diaphananthe microphylla (syn.) (Summerh.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum microphyllum
Diaphananthe mildbraedii (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum mildbraedii
Diaphananthe millarii (syn.) (Bolus) H.P.Linder Accepted: Rhipidoglossum millarii
Diaphananthe monodon (syn.) (Lindl.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe montana (syn.) (Piers) P.J.Cribb & J.Stewart Accepted: Rhipidoglossum montanum
Diaphananthe muansae (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe fragrantissima
Diaphananthe mystacidioides (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe obanensis (syn.) (Rendle) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum obanense
Diaphananthe orientalis (syn.) (Mansf.) F.N.Rasm. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum orientalis
Diaphananthe ovalis (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum ovale
Diaphananthe oxycentron (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Rhipidoglossum oxycentron
Diaphananthe pachyrhiza (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Rhipidoglossum pulchellum var. pulchellum
Diaphananthe papagayi (syn.) (Rchb.f.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe peglerae (syn.) (Bolus) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum xanthopollinium
Diaphananthe pellucida (Lindl.) Schltr. 10
Diaphananthe plehniana (Schltr.) Schltr.
Diaphananthe polyantha (syn.) (Kraenzl.) F.N.Rasm. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum polyanthum
Diaphananthe polydactyla (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum polydactylum
Diaphananthe producta (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe pulchella (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum pulchellum
Diaphananthe pulchella var. geniculata (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum pulchellum var. geniculatum
Diaphananthe quintasii (syn.) (Rolfe) Schltr. Accepted: Kylicanthe rohrii
Diaphananthe rohrii (syn.) (Rchb.f.) Summerh. Accepted: Kylicanthe rohrii
Diaphananthe rutila (syn.) (Rchb.f.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum rutilum
Diaphananthe sanfordiana Szlach. & Olszewski 5
Diaphananthe sarcorhynchoides J.B.Hall
Diaphananthe schimperiana (syn.) (A.Rich.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum schimperianum
Diaphananthe stellata (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Rhipidoglossum stellatum
Diaphananthe stolzii (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum stolzii
Diaphananthe subclavata (Rolfe) Schltr.
Diaphananthe subfalcifolia (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Diaphananthe bidens
Diaphananthe suborbicularis Summerh.
Diaphananthe subsimplex (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum subsimplex
Diaphananthe tanneri (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Rhipidoglossum tanneri
Diaphananthe tenerrima (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum mildbraedii
Diaphananthe tenuicalcar (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum tenuicalcar
Diaphananthe trigonopetala Schltr.
Diaphananthe ugandensis (syn.) (Rendle) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum ugandense
Diaphananthe vandiformis (Kraenzl.) Schltr.
Diaphananthe welwitschii (Rchb.f.) Schltr.
Diaphananthe xanthopollinia (syn.) (Rchb.f.) Summerh. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum xanthopollinium
Diaphananthe paucifolia (syn.) (D.Johanss.) R.Rice Accepted: Rhipidoglossum paucifolium
Diaphananthe pellucida subsp. sanfordiana (syn.) (Szlach. & Olszewski) R.Rice Accepted: Diaphananthe sanfordiana
Diaphananthe lecomtei var. lecomtei
Diaphananthe lecomtei var. tenuicalcar (Stévart & Droissart) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe gabonensis (Summerh.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe ichneumonea (Lindl.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe lanceolata (Summerh.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe lecomtei (Finet) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe letouzeyi (Szlach. & Olszewski) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe odoratissima (Rchb.f.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward 3
Diaphananthe sarcophylla (Schltr. ex Prain) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward 3
Diaphananthe spiralis (Stévart & Droissart) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe thomensis (Rolfe) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe vesicata (Lindl.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward 2
Diaphananthe vagans (Lindl.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
Diaphananthe liae (syn.) Eb.Fisch., Killmann, J.-P.Lebel & Delep. Accepted: Kylicanthe liae
Diaphananthe lebelii (Eb.Fisch. & Killmann) Descourv. & Stévart