List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Galeottiella constricta (syn.) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys constricta
Galeottiella hintoniorum (syn.) Todzia Accepted: Microthelys hintoniorum
Galeottiella markowskiana (syn.) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys markowskiana
Galeottiella minutiflora (syn.) (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys minutiflora
Galeottiella nutantiflora (syn.) (Schltr.) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys nutantiflora
Galeottiella rubrocalosa (syn.) (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys rubrocalosa
Galeottiella rubrocalosa var. santa-elenae (syn.) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys rubrocalosa
Galeottiella santa-elenae (syn.) (Szlach.) Szlach. Accepted: Microthelys rubrocalosa
Galeottiella sarcoglossa (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Schltr.
Galeottiella orchioides (Lindl.) R.González ex Rutk., Mytnik & Szlach.