List of Orchidaceae species

List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Renanthera annamensis Rolfe
Renanthera auyongii Christenson 6
Renanthera bella J.J.Wood 12
Renanthera citrina Aver. 17
Renanthera coccinea Lour. 12
Renanthera coccinea var. coccinea
Renanthera coccinea var. holttumii Mahyar
Renanthera elongata (Blume) Lindl. 12
Renanthera hennisiana Schltr.
Renanthera histrionica Rchb.f. 16
Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe 23
Renanthera isosepala Holttum 7
Renanthera matutina (Poir.) Lindl. 4
Renanthera moluccana Blume
Renanthera monachica Ames 29
Renanthera philippinensis (Ames & Quisumb.) L.O.Williams 21
Renanthera pulchella Rolfe
Renanthera storiei Rchb.f. 30
Renanthera breviflora (Rchb.f.) R.Rice & J.J.Wood 11
Renanthera chanii J.J.Wood & R.Rice
Renanthera vietnamensis Aver. & R.Rice 18
Renanthera caloptera (Rchb.f.) Kocyan & Schuit. 10
Renanthera porphyrodesme (Schltr.) Kocyan & Schuit. 7
Renanthera cornuta R.Rice 9
Renanthera dentata R.Rice