List of Orchidaceae species

List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Sievekingia butcheri Dressler 5
Sievekingia colombiana Garay
Sievekingia cristata Garay 1
Sievekingia dunstervilleorum Foldats
Sievekingia filifera Dressler
Sievekingia fimbriata Rchb.f. 16
Sievekingia herklotziana Jenny
Sievekingia hirtzii Waldv.
Sievekingia jenmanii Rchb.f.
Sievekingia peruviana Rolfe ex C.Schweinf.
Sievekingia reichenbachiana Rolfe 3
Sievekingia rhonhofiae Mansf. 1
Sievekingia suavis Rchb.f. 8
Sievekingia trollii Mansf.