List of Orchidaceae species

List of species or hybrid of orchidaceae category

List of Orchidaceae

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Tridactyle acutoemarginata (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle inaequilonga
Tridactyle anthomaniaca (Rchb.f.) Summerh.
Tridactyle anthomaniaca subsp. anthomaniaca
Tridactyle anthomaniaca subsp. nana P.J.Cribb & Stévart
Tridactyle armeniaca (Lindl.) Schltr.
Tridactyle aurantiopunctata P.J.Cribb & Stévart
Tridactyle bicaudata (Lindl.) Schltr. 6
Tridactyle bicaudata subsp. bicaudata
Tridactyle bicaudata subsp. rupestris H.P.Linder
Tridactyle bolusii (syn.) (Rolfe) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle tridentata
Tridactyle brevicalcarata Summerh.
Tridactyle brevifolia Mansf.
Tridactyle citrina (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Ypsilopus citrinus
Tridactyle clavata (syn.) (Summerh.) R.Rice Accepted: Eggelingia clavata
Tridactyle crassifolia Summerh.
Tridactyle cruciformis Summerh.
Tridactyle eggelingii Summerh.
Tridactyle elzbietae Szlach.
Tridactyle erectocalcarata (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Rhipidoglossum rutilum
Tridactyle exellii P.J.Cribb & Stévart
Tridactyle filifolia (Schltr.) Schltr.
Tridactyle filiformis (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Nephrangis filiformis
Tridactyle fimbriata (syn.) (Rendle) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle bicaudata subsp. bicaudata
Tridactyle fimbriatipetala (De Wild.) Schltr.
Tridactyle flabellata P.J.Cribb
Tridactyle fragrans (syn.) G.Will. Accepted: Ypsilopus tricuspis
Tridactyle frommiana (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Ypsilopus tricuspis
Tridactyle furcistipes (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Ypsilopus furcistipes
Tridactyle fusifera Mansf.
Tridactyle gabonensis (syn.) (P.J.Cribb & Laan) R.Rice Accepted: Eggelingia gabonensis
Tridactyle gentilii (De Wild.) Schltr.
Tridactyle goetzeana (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle tridentata
Tridactyle hurungweensis Fibeck
Tridactyle inaequilonga (De Wild.) Schltr.
Tridactyle inflata Summerh.
Tridactyle kindtiana (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle tridactylites
Tridactyle lagosensis (Rolfe) Schltr.
Tridactyle latifolia Summerh.
Tridactyle laurentii (De Wild.) Schltr. 2
Tridactyle laurentii var. kabareensis Geerinck
Tridactyle laurentii var. laurentii
Tridactyle ledermanniana (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle tridactylites
Tridactyle lepidota (syn.) (Rchb.f. ex Rolfe) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle anthomaniaca subsp. anthomaniaca
Tridactyle ligulifolia (syn.) (Summerh.) R.Rice Accepted: Eggelingia ligulifolia
Tridactyle linearifolia (syn.) (De Wild.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle filifolia
Tridactyle lisowskii (Szlach.) Szlach. & Olszewski 1
Tridactyle minuta P.J.Cribb
Tridactyle minutifolia Stévart & Haijere
Tridactyle muriculata (Rendle) Schltr.
Tridactyle nalaensis (De Wild.) Schltr.
Tridactyle nanne-ritzkae Eb.Fisch., Killmann, J.-P.Lebel & Delep.
Tridactyle nigrescens Summerh.
Tridactyle nyassana (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Ypsilopus tricuspis
Tridactyle oblongifolia Summerh.
Tridactyle pentalobata P.J.Cribb & Stévart
Tridactyle phaeocephala Summerh.
Tridactyle polychista (syn.) Schltr. ex Mansf. Accepted: Tridactyle bicaudata subsp. bicaudata
Tridactyle pulchella (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle bicaudata subsp. bicaudata
Tridactyle rhodesiana (syn.) (Rendle) Schltr. Accepted: Ypsilopus tricuspis
Tridactyle sarcodantha (syn.) Mansf. Accepted: Ypsilopus sarcodanthus
Tridactyle schumannii (syn.) (Kraenzl.) Summerh. Accepted: Ancistrorhynchus schumannii
Tridactyle scottellii (Rendle) Schltr.
Tridactyle scottellii subsp. lisowskii (syn.) Szlach. Accepted: Tridactyle lisowskii
Tridactyle scottellii var. stipulata (syn.) (De Wild.) Geerinck Accepted: Tridactyle stipulata
Tridactyle stevartiana Geerinck
Tridactyle stipulata (De Wild.) Schltr.
Tridactyle tanneri (syn.) P.J.Cribb Accepted: Ypsilopus tanneri
Tridactyle teretifolia (syn.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle tridentata
Tridactyle thomensis P.J.Cribb & Stévart
Tridactyle trachyrrhiza (syn.) (Schltr.) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle anthomaniaca subsp. anthomaniaca
Tridactyle translucens Summerh.
Tridactyle tricuspis (syn.) (Bolus) Schltr. Accepted: Ypsilopus tricuspis
Tridactyle tridactylites (Rolfe) Schltr. 4
Tridactyle tridentata (Harv.) Schltr.
Tridactyle tridentata var. subulifolia (syn.) Summerh. Accepted: Tridactyle filifolia
Tridactyle trimikeorum Dare
Tridactyle truncatiloba Summerh.
Tridactyle unguiculata Mansf.
Tridactyle vanderlaaniana Geerinck
Tridactyle verrucosa P.J.Cribb
Tridactyle virginea P.J.Cribb & la Croix
Tridactyle virgula (Kraenzl.) Schltr.
Tridactyle wakefieldii (syn.) (Rolfe) Summerh. Accepted: Solenangis wakefieldii
Tridactyle whitfieldii (syn.) (Rendle) Schltr. Accepted: Tridactyle armeniaca