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Aphelandra squarrosa Nees 4
Aphelandra sinclairiana Nees 6
Aphelandra flava Nees 2
Aphelandra aurantiaca (Scheidw.) Lindl. 2
Aphelandra runcinata Klotzsch ex Nees 1
Aphelandra golfodulcensis McDade 1
Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm. 2
Aphelandra hartwegiana Nees ex Benth. 1
Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacq.) Kunth 1
Aphelandra acanthus Nees 3
Aphelandra gigantiflora Lindau 1
Aphelandra arborea (Mill.) M.R.Almeida 3
Aphelandra colorata (Vell.) Wassh. 2