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Clarkia arcuata (Kellogg) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. 1
Clarkia biloba (Durand) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. 1
Clarkia bottae (Spach) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 2
Clarkia breweri (A.Gray) Greene 1
Clarkia concinna (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Greene
Clarkia concinna subsp. automixa R.N.Bowman 1
Clarkia concinna subsp. concinna 2
Clarkia cylindrica (Jeps.) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 2
Clarkia davyi (Jeps.) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 2
Clarkia delicata (Abrams) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. 2
Clarkia dudleyana (Abrams) J.F.Macbr. 3
Clarkia epilobioides (Nutt.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. 2
Clarkia exilis F.H.Lewis & Vasek 2
Clarkia franciscana F.H.Lewis & P.H.Raven 3
Clarkia gracilis (Piper) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. 2
Clarkia gracilis subsp. albicaulis (Jeps.) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 1
Clarkia imbricata F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 2
Clarkia jolonensis Parn. 1
Clarkia mildrediae (A.Heller) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis
Clarkia mildrediae subsp. lutescens Gottlieb & Janeway 1
Clarkia modesta Jeps. 1
Clarkia mosquinii E.Small 1
Clarkia pulchella Pursh 4
Clarkia rhomboidea Douglas 2
Clarkia rubicunda (Lindl.) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 2
Clarkia speciosa F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis
Clarkia springvillensis Vasek 1
Clarkia unguiculata Lindl. 2
Clarkia williamsonii (Durand & Hilg.) F.H.Lewis & M.E.Lewis 2
Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. 2