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Fuchsia fulgens DC. 1
Fuchsia splendens Zucc. 1
Fuchsia microphylla Kunth 1
Fuchsia bacillaris Lindl. 1
Fuchsia boliviana Britton 2
Fuchsia campii P.E.Berry 1
Fuchsia corymbiflora Ruiz & Pav. 1
Fuchsia denticulata Ruiz & Pav. 1
Fuchsia loxensis Kunth 1
Fuchsia triphylla L. 2
Fuchsia jimenezii Breedlove 1
Fuchsia lycioides Andrews 1
Fuchsia procumbens R.Cunn. 3
Fuchsia campos-portoi Pilg. 1
Fuchsia glazioviana Taub. 1
Fuchsia hatschbachii P.E.Berry 1
Fuchsia magellanica Lam. 4
Fuchsia regia (Vand. ex Vell.) Munz 1
Fuchsia arborescens Sims 1
Fuchsia paniculata Lindl. 1
Fuchsia excorticata L.f. 1
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. aprica (Lundell) Breedlove 1
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hemsleyana (Woodson & Seibert) Breedlove 2
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. hidalgensis (Munz) Breedlove 2
Fuchsia microphylla subsp. microphylla
Fuchsia thymifolia Kunth
Fuchsia dependens Hook. 3
Fuchsia steyermarkii P.E.Berry 2