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Genus: Dendrobium:
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Section: Calyptrochilus:
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  • New Guinea, Papuasia, Asia Tropical
Dendrobium alaticaulinum P.Royen, from the wonderful section Calyptrochilus, is a fairly common endemic epiphyte found in the montane forest of New Guinea (1500-3200m). Section Calyptrochilus is quite massive, with about 120 known species in New Guinea alone, and the flowers of which are very colourful and long lasting! This is another species with a quite amazing plant habit; very narrow pendant stems that really give meaning to the descriptor - continuously branching! In this sense the plant habit is similar to D. caliculimentum only that it is much smaller. The flowers are quite striking in their colour combinations but the ones of my particular clone open very narrowly.
Kurt Metzger
Jon Cara
Den. alaticaulinum
Joost Riksen
Den. alaticaulinum
Manote Quahphanit
Den. alaticaulinum
Kurt Metzger
Den. alaticaulinum
Mehd Halaouate
Den. alaticaulinum
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