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Genus: Vanda:
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Can Vanda Pachara Delight be considered among the best blue hybrids? Especially Vanda Pachara Delight 'Pachara'?
Yes, although it does veer towards bluish purple. It is just so dark that nobody tends to notice this, and especially not when under fluorescent lighting that enhances blue floral pigment to make it bluer than blue! Let me illustrate this with another photo from Sunday's Orchid Society meeting, in which there was a V. Pachara Delight next to the V. Rothschildiana, which had a purple flowered Aranda next to it.
Diane Özdamar
V. Pachara Delight
Robert Bird
V. Pachara Delight 'Tokyo Blue'
Diane Özdamar
V. Pachara Delight
Diane Özdamar
V. Pachara Delight
Francisco J Mari Lassalle
V. Pachara Delight blue
Edwin Sanchez
V. Pachara Delight FCC/JOGA
Helen Lu
V. Pachara Delight
Тетяна Теслюк
V. Pachara Delight
Porovskyy Family Collection
V. Pachara Delight Vanda Pachara Delight Blue
Diane Özdamar
V. Pachara Delight
more ...
Seed Parent

Species Ancestors (5)