
The orchid Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chunyeah is a Rhyncholaeliocattleya hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Lai Teng-Hsiung in 1991.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
Rlc. Chunyeah moises
Rlc. Chunyeah '#10' 陳淙裕
Rlc. Chunyeah '#17' Edwin Sanchez
Rlc. Chunyeah Pekka Ranta
Rlc. Chunyeah 'Good Life' AM/AOS Home Pongyang
Rlc. Chunyeah Renan Henrique Cardoso
Rlc. Chunyeah Home Pongyang
Rlc. Chunyeah Pekka Ranta
Rlc. Chunyeah moises
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Species Ancestors (20)