Phalaenopsis Leopard Prince orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Phalaenopsis Leopard Prince is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Sogo in 1997.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
Phal. Leopard Prince Michelle Natasaputra
Phal. Leopard Prince Svetlana Raychinova
Phal. Leopard Prince felix Lin
Phal. Leopard Prince Bozena Borecka
Phal. Leopard Prince 'Sogo Diamond' Emrys Chew
Phal. Leopard Prince Orchids Deluxe
Phal. Leopard Prince Eka Putra Hendra
Phal. Leopard Prince 'Sogo Diamond' Emrys Chew
Phal. Leopard Prince 'Sogo Diamond' Emrys Chew
Phal. Leopard Prince 'Sogo Diamond' Emrys Chew
more ...

Species Ancestors (11)