
The orchid Phragmipedium Lutz Röllke is a Phragmipedium hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by K.Bader in 1998. It is originated by O/U
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Phragmipedium besseae (50.0%)  section: Micropetalum 
  • Phragmipedium boissierianum (50.0%)  section: Lorifolia 

Phrag. Lutz Röllke Daniel Nolte
Phrag. Lutz Röllke 'Phoenix' AM/AOS Chaunie Langland
Phrag. Lutz Röllke Isis Trenchard
Phrag. Lutz Röllke Daniel Nolte
Phrag. Lutz Röllke Kelly McCracken
Phrag. Lutz Röllke Daniel Nolte
more ...

Species Ancestors (2)