
The orchid Zelenkocidium Calico Gem is a Zelenkocidium hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Orchid Zone in 1998. It is originated by M.Pendleton
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Zelenkoa onusta (50.0%)  section: Onustum 
  • Oncidium alexandrae (28.857421875%)
  • Oncidium harryanum (2.569580078125%)  subgenus Nevadensia

Zed. Calico Gem 'Green Valley' Christian Go
Zed. Calico Gem 'New Star' Christian Go
Zed. Calico Gem 'Green Valley' Deb Boersma
Zed. Calico Gem Sriram Kumar
more ...

Species Ancestors (7)