
The orchid Rhyncholaeliocattleya digbyana-Haadyai Delight is a Rhyncholaeliocattleya hybrid . This orchid hybrid lacks official registration. The name is an internal designation created within the orchidroots system.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Rhyncholaelia digbyana (57.421875%)
  • Cattleya dowiana (21.337890625%)  subgenus Cattleya  section: Cattleya 
  • Cattleya tenebrosa (6.4453125%)  subgenus Crispae  section: Crispae   series: Cattleyodes 

Rlc. × digbyana-Haadyai Delight Home Pongyang
Rlc. × digbyana-Haadyai Delight Home Pongyang
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Species Ancestors (16)