List of ancestors of Paphiopedilum Salmonberry Creek

Ancestors of Paphiopedilum Salmonberry Creek

Ancestors of Paphiopedilum Salmonberry Creek

Ancestors type % Img
Paphiopedilum Honda Gold hybrid 50%
Paphiopedilum Showoff hybrid 50%
Paphiopedilum Golden Diana hybrid 50%
Paphiopedilum La Honda hybrid 25%
Paphiopedilum Dianalus hybrid 37.5%
Paphiopedilum Golden Hind hybrid 25%
Paphiopedilum Diana Broughton hybrid 18.75%
Paphiopedilum Troilus hybrid 18.75%
Paphiopedilum Doris Black hybrid 12.5%
Paphiopedilum Grace Darling hybrid 9.38%
Paphiopedilum Florence Spencer hybrid 17.19%
Paphiopedilum Golden Wren hybrid 6.25%
Paphiopedilum Actaeus hybrid 25.2% 1
Paphiopedilum Mem. Jerninghamiae hybrid 8.59%
Paphiopedilum insigne species 47.36% 32
Paphiopedilum Leeanum hybrid 25.88% 12
Paphiopedilum spicerianum species 28.83% 37
Paphiopedilum Winnianum hybrid 4.3% 1
Paphiopedilum druryi species 2.15% 14
Paphiopedilum villosum species 16.31% 31
Paphiopedilum Moonlight hybrid 10.55%
Paphiopedilum Glorita hybrid 5.47%
Paphiopedilum Moonbeam hybrid 5.27%
Paphiopedilum Nitens hybrid 17.09% 1
Paphiopedilum Thompsonii hybrid 5.76%
Paphiopedilum Calypso hybrid 2.88% 3
Paphiopedilum villosum var. boxallii species 3.78% 4
Paphiopedilum Gwen Hannen hybrid 9.38%
Paphiopedilum Phantasy hybrid 4.69%
Paphiopedilum Christopher hybrid 10.94%
Paphiopedilum Hilary hybrid 12.5%
Paphiopedilum Sunbeam hybrid 12.5%
Paphiopedilum Freya hybrid 6.25%
Paphiopedilum Golden Fleece hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Monte hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Antinous hybrid 1.56%
Paphiopedilum J. Howes hybrid 0.78%
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum species 1.56% 33
Paphiopedilum Chrysotens hybrid 6.25%
Paphiopedilum Draco-Thompsonii hybrid 6.25%
Paphiopedilum Chrysotoxum hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Lathamianum hybrid 1.56% 17
Paphiopedilum Draco hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Hera (1892) hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Cadina hybrid 12.5%
Paphiopedilum Mrs. Carl Holmes hybrid 9.38%
Paphiopedilum Radina hybrid 6.25%
Paphiopedilum Gurkley hybrid 25%
Paphiopedilum Mrs. Eley hybrid 12.5%
Paphiopedilum The Gurka hybrid 12.5%
Paphiopedilum Warrior hybrid 6.25%
Paphiopedilum Alcibiades hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Lord Wolmer hybrid 3.12%
Paphiopedilum Monsieur de Curte hybrid 1.56%
Paphiopedilum Bruno hybrid 6.25% 5