List of ancestors of Rhyncattleanthe Red Tricks

Ancestors of Rhyncattleanthe Red Tricks

Ancestors of Rhyncattleanthe Red Tricks

Ancestors type % Img
Cattleya Gratrixiae (1901) hybrid 50% 6
Rhyncattleanthe Red Owl Mountain hybrid 50%
Cattleya tenebrosa species 25.59% 43
Cattleya coccinea species 25% 44
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Secret Cove hybrid 25%
Cattlianthe Fires of Spring hybrid 25% 1
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Ryersonwood hybrid 12.5%
Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) hybrid 12.5% 6
Cattleya Westwood hybrid 6.25%
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Marion Ryerson hybrid 6.25%
Cattleya Mrs. Chamberlain Chanler hybrid 3.12% 1
Cattleya Nella (1911) hybrid 3.12% 1
Cattleya Lustre (1907) hybrid 4.69% 2
Cattleya purpurata species 3.52% 112
Cattleya Callistoglossa hybrid 2.34% 17
Cattleya lueddemanniana species 2.34% 98
Cattleya warscewiczii species 2.93% 60
Cattleya Dominiana (1899) hybrid 1.56% 7
Cattleya labiata species 4.1% 91
Cattleya dowiana species 8.4% 24
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Hartland hybrid 3.12% 2
Cattleya Linnaeus T. Savage hybrid 3.12%
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Hannibal hybrid 1.56% 1
Cattleya Leda (1900) hybrid 1.56% 4
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Digbyano-Warneri hybrid 0.78% 2
Cattleya Fabia (1894) hybrid 4.3% 11
Rhyncholaelia digbyana species 0.39% 30
Cattleya warneri species 0.39% 27
Cattleya dowiana var. aurea species 2.15% 14
Cattleya percivaliana species 0.78% 58
Cattleya Pamela (1926) hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Gatton Ruby hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Feronia hybrid 0.78% 1
Cattleya Princess Royal hybrid 0.78% 3
Cattleya Haroldiana hybrid 0.39% 5
Cattleya Enid (1898) hybrid 0.39% 11
Cattleya Hardyana (1896) hybrid 2.34% 19
Cattleya mossiae species 4.88% 79
Cattleya Amabilis (1904) hybrid 0.78% 2
Cattleya Cavalese hybrid 6.25% 3
Cattleya Prospector hybrid 6.25% 1
Cattleya Remy Chollet hybrid 3.12% 2
Cattleya Santa Monica hybrid 3.12%
Cattleya Monarch (1917) hybrid 1.56% 2
Cattleya trianae species 3.12% 86
Cattleya Empress Frederick hybrid 0.78% 3
Cattleya Lord Rothschild hybrid 1.56% 11
Cattleya mendelii species 1.56% 26
Cattleya gaskelliana species 1.95% 54
Cattlianthe Eva hybrid 12.5% 2
Cattleya Sun Lakes hybrid 12.5%
Guarianthe aurantiaca species 6.25% 40
Cattleya cinnabarina species 6.25% 13
Cattleya Golden Concolor hybrid 6.25%
Cattleya Bob Betts hybrid 6.25% 10
Cattleya Golden Jewell hybrid 3.12%
Cattleya Aureole (1907) hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Robert H. Jewell hybrid 1.56%
Cattleya Luminosa (1901) hybrid 0.78% 10
Cattleya Iris (1901) hybrid 0.78% 9
Cattleya bicolor species 0.39% 37
Cattleya Mrs. Edward Roehrs hybrid 0.78%
Cattleya Prince John hybrid 0.39% 2
Cattleya Bow Bells hybrid 3.12% 4
Cattleya Edithiae hybrid 1.56% 3
Cattleya Suzanne Hye hybrid 2.34% 5