Immediate Offsprings of Paphiopedilum Brownlands

Immediate offsprings of Paphiopedilum Brownlands

Immediate offsprings of Paphiopedilum Brownlands

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent # images
Paphiopedilum Alderlands Paphiopedilum Alderman Paphiopedilum Brownlands
Paphiopedilum Browniolee Paphiopedilum Niobe-Leeanum Paphiopedilum Brownlands
Paphiopedilum Brownleen Paphiopedilum Kathleen Paphiopedilum Brownlands
Paphiopedilum Chardlands Paphiopedilum Brownlands Paphiopedilum Chardmoore
Paphiopedilum Pittlands Paphiopedilum Brownlands Paphiopedilum H. T. Pitt