Immediate Offsprings of Cattleya Celia (1920)

Immediate offsprings of Cattleya Celia (1920)

Immediate offsprings of Cattleya Celia (1920)

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent # images
Cattleya Belo Horisonte Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Souvenir Anna de Cnyf
Cattleya Far North Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya labiata
Cattleya Gertrude Zuck Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Scintillation
Cattleya Henry B. C. Ho Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Ursula
Cattleya Lily Hampton Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Bob Betts
Cattleya Moon Goddess Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Simplicity
Cattleya Mount Silver Star Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya White Christmas
Cattleya Olive Govea Cattleya Barbara Dane Cattleya Celia (1920)
Cattleya Padres Cattleya Souvenir de Louis Sander Cattleya Celia (1920)
Rhyncholaeliocattleya White Chuck Mountain Cattleya Celia (1920) Rhyncholaeliocattleya Mount Hood
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Miyono Rhyncholaeliocattleya Xanthette Cattleya Celia (1920)
Cattleya Alabaster Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Snowdon
Cattleya Beverley Boswell Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya December Snow
Cattleya Celia Lines Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Patricia Lines
Cattleya Celia Off Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Nancy Off
Cattleya Celiette Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Intermediette
Cattleya Clair de Lune Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Easter Glory
Cattleya Emily Hardy Cattleya loddigesii Cattleya Celia (1920)
Cattleya Judy Mead Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Queen Sirikhit
Cattleya Memoria Myrna White Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya mossiae
Caulocattleya Sylvia Caularthron bicornutum Cattleya Celia (1920)
Cattleya Claire Ayau Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Snow Song
Cattleya Petite Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya warscewiczii
Cattleya Maxine Hudson Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Gustave Vincke
Cattleya Green River Cattleya guttata Cattleya Celia (1920)
Cattleya Mary Bea Ireland Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Estelle (1931)
Cattleya Pearl Harbor Cattleya Bow Bells Cattleya Celia (1920) 4
Cattleya Leah Adis Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Clementine Goldfarb
Laeliocattleya Aileen Garrison Cattleya Celia (1920) Laelia anceps
Cattleya Lyra Cattleya Celia (1920) Cattleya Claris
Cattleya Laurelle Newbill Cattleya Pearl Harbor Cattleya Celia (1920)
Cattleya Palometo Cattleya Joyce Hannington Cattleya Celia (1920)