Immediate Offsprings of Vanda Truman Motes

Immediate offsprings of Vanda Truman Motes

Immediate offsprings of Vanda Truman Motes

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent # images
Vanda Norma Watkins Vanda Motes Hot Petunia Vanda Truman Motes 1
Renantanda Esther Motes Renanthera imschootiana Vanda Truman Motes 1
Vanda Ruby Tuesday Vanda merrillii Vanda Truman Motes
Paravanda Alice Motes Paraphalaenopsis Ponce es Ponce Vanda Truman Motes
Vanda Molly Fairwater Vanda Truman Motes Vanda denisoniana 12
Renantanda Mary Motes 2 Renanthera Charlotte Hall Vanda Truman Motes
Vanda Frank Smith Vanda Truman Motes Vanda curvifolia 4